Visit to see a simple example of phase 1.
The following files show the C# code for this example. Each file corresponds to a web form.
Basically, in phase 1 you need to be able to do execute certain queries (according to your domain) and show the results of the queries. There are two things you need to do. First, develop a simple interface (in my case, home.aspx) that shows the queries that users can perform. Second, in your project you need to connect to your database, execute the query, and put the results on the web.
In my example, when you click the "See Student Button", the code for that button (in the first file) will execute the Response.Redirect("student.aspx") command and go to student.aspx (the code in the second file).
Once invoked, student.aspx (the code is in student.txt) will connect to the specified database, execute the query, and return the results.
This is just one of the many ways to implement phase I. You don't have to follow the layout of the example. I just want to demonstrate a simple way to query your database using C# and .NET.