CSE 444 Syllabus

Dan Suciu, Autumn 2001

University of Washington 
Web site: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/cse444/CurrentQtr/index.html

Course Goals

Databases are at the heart of modern commercial application development. Their use extends beyond this to many applications and environments where large amounts of data must be stored for efficient update and retrieval.  Their principles and fundamental techniques are being extended today to the Web and more flexible data, mostly using XML syntax.  The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the design and use of database systems, to some of the techniques used to manage XML data, and to gain an appreciation of the key issues in building a database system.

We begin by studying database design, covering the Object Data Language (ODL) and entity relationship models. We will then cover the relational data model and relational algebra. Next, we consider the usage of database systems through the SQL query and manipulation language. We will then discus semistructured data, XML, and some formalisms for accessing and querying XML (XPath, XQuery). In the second half of the course we will discuss data storage, algorithms for implementing the physical operators, indexes, query optimizations, and some aspects of transaction management.

Course Format

The class meets three times a week for lectures. We won't meet in the computer lab except perhaps very occasionally. We will follow parts of the textbook (see below). There will be 6 homework assignments (some of which will involve light programming). In addition, there will be a programming project. You can usually find copies of the slides used in the lecture on the web site, on the day of the lecture.


MWF 1:30-2:20, Gowen 201

Instructor Information & Office Hours (subject to change -- check Web site)






Office hours  

Dan Suciu, Professor

Sieg 318



Wednesday 2:30 - 3:30

Gerome Miklau, Teaching Assistant

Sieg 226a or 224



Monday 2:30 – 3:30


The texts are available in a single shrink wrapped package from the University Bookstore.

The library will have on reserve three other books that you might find useful if you require another explanation of a topic:

Programming and Homework

This is not a programming class! Nevertheless, some programming will be necessary. There will be some mandatory SQL programming for setting up and querying a database. Such queries are usually short compared to typical programs in other languages. There will be some SQL practice, and some homework that doesn't involve programming at all. The bulk of the programming will be for the class project

Late Policy

Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date, unless otherwise announced. Barring unusual circumstances, late homework will not be accepted.

Tentative Grading Breakdown

Homework: 25%

Project: 25%

Midterm: 20%

Final: 25%

Intangibles: 5%


I hope you will attend every lecture. If you miss a lecture, talk to a friend who was present, and be sure to check the Web site for class messages.


The World-Wide Web and e-mail will be used extensively to provide you with course information, such as the schedule mentioned above, homework assignments and solutions, class messages and many other things.

Computer Systems

For the required hands-on homework, students need access to Microsoft SQL Server.  This software is available in the NT lab (Sieg 232). Additional software may be required for the project.

Computer Use Policy

Some excerpts from the campus policies. Take them seriously: "You must use all UW [computing] resources in strict accordance with local, state, and federal laws. These laws cover such areas as illegal access to computer systems, networks, and files; copyright violations; and harassment issues... Software and information resources provided through the university for use by faculty, staff, and students may be used on computing equipment only as specified in the various software licenses. Unauthorized use of software, images, or files is regarded as a serious matter and any such use is without the consent of the University of Washington...If abuse of computer software, images, or files occurs, those responsible for such abuse will be held legally accountable."

Academic Misconduct

 All work turned in is expected to be your own. Although students are encouraged to study together, each student is expected to produce his or her own solution to the homework problems. Coping or using sections of someone else's program, even if it has been modified by you, is not acceptable. The University has very clear guidelines for academic misconduct and the staff of CSE 444 will be vigorous in enforcing them.