Phase IV

Due: March 8

This will be the most coding-intensive portion of the course! We don't expect a large amount of code here, nor do we expect any particularly difficult code, but we do expect a bit of "grunt work" on your part to learn the interfaces and get them working.

You will create web pages and a web interface to your SQL Server database to provide the functionality you described in Phase II. We expect most of you to use SQL Server with Visual Interdev and Microsoft ADO. You can go here to find out more about getting that set up and running. Once you have it all working, you can schedule a time to meet with Scott and Bart to demo your system (see below for scheduling requirements and logistics). The following are the requirements for the demo itself:

  1. Your DB should contain enough data in each table to ensure that reasonable join queries will contain non-empty results. As a rough guideline, 10-20 tuples per relation is a reasonable goal, but this depends on the relation. Some may have only a few (or even just one) tuples, and some may require substantially more than this.
  2. Bring your graded Phase II and Phase III submissions to the demo.
  3. Bring anything else you want to the demo -- notes, books, documentation, etc.
  4. During the demo, you will show us the application layer (web pages) of your system and we'll use them to update and query your database.
  5. We will also go directly into SQL Server and have you query the database that way as well. In particular, we will ask you queries in English and you will need to type them in SQL.
  6. We may (or may not) ask to see any code you wrote to create the interface between your web pages and your database.
Scheduling logistics: The demo must be completed before 11:00AM on the due date. Demos will be 30 minutes long and will be done in my office. If you will do your demo March 6-8, you must schedule your demo at least a week in advance and you must remember that certain times tend to get scheduled rather quickly, so if you come to us exactly one week before the due date and all the times are taken, we will have a problem. If you're doing your demo earlier than that, you should try to give us as much notice as you can, within reason.

To encourage a timely response, we will reward early demos with bonus points as follows (these bonus points are a percentage of your total project score): If your demo is completed on or before February 28, you get 8 bonus points. If your demo is completed after February 28 and on or before March 3, you get 4 bonus points.

To sign up for a demo time, send email to BOTH Scott and Bart with your preferred time. Available times are listed here, and we will fill up slots on a first-come, first-served basis.