Final Project
The final project will provide hands-on experience designing, implementing, and deploying interactive visualizations. Your project should address a concrete visualization challenge and should propose a novel, creative solution. The final deliverable will take the form of a visual analysis tool or an explanatory narrative, deployed as an interactive web page. Project teams should consist of 3-5 people.
The final project theme is data visualization for social good. How might data visualization help us better understand the workings of our society or our physical world? Your project must visualize one or more publicly accessible datasets of social or scientific importance. For example, you might select data relevant to the functioning of local, national, or global communities. You are free to choose a specific domain of interest. Example topics include health, transportation, economic development, climate, migration, humanitarian aid, legislative voting records, and communicating scientific research. You must identify a target audience, which may be general (residents, voters) or specialized (scientists, policy makers). Talk to the course staff if you have any questions regarding the project theme.
In addition, you will be responsible for presenting your final results. At the end of the quarter we will have a public showcase for you to share your work with both your colleagues and invited guests.
Prior to starting your project, it is helpful to gain a sense of what goes into formulating a successful visualization project and to beware of common pitfalls. We encourage you to read A Nested Model for Visualization Design and Validation by Tamara Munzner. This paper is required reading later in the course, so you might as well get a head start!
Project Milestones
The final project consists of the following milestones:
- Proposal (Fri 11/13, 11:59pm). Propose your chosen topic, dataset(s), and team members. Complete the registration form (one per team). We will create a new set of GitHub repos for each project.
- Initial Prototype (Tue 12/1, 11:59pm). Develop an initial prototype of your project and, similar to A3, publish it using GitHub pages. This prototype will be used by the course staff to provide feedback on your designs. It is fine if your project is not yet in a "complete" state; however, by this point you should have the structure of your project laid out, working (if rough) prototypes of your main visualizations and interactions, and at least basic descriptive text. Each team should submit the URL for their project on Canvas.
- Demo Video (Wed 12/9, 11:59pm). You must produce a demo video (not to exceed 2 minutes in length) that introduces and explains your project. Your video can take the form of a narrated demo of your project, and may include additional content as you see fit. We will share the videos in class on 12/10. More information about preparing the video is available here.
- Deliverables (Mon 12/14, 11:59pm). Publish your final project web page. You may make final touches to your page after any feedback from our video session. More information about preparing the final deliverables is available here.
The project prototype and final deliverable will be submitted and deployed on the CSE 442 GitHub organization. You will be assigned repositories after submitting your proposal. Your video should be posted to YouTube, and a URL to your video must be submitted via Canvas.