CSE442 Data Visualization (Spring 2017)

Final Project Proposal

Your final project proposal should indicate the intended topic, datasets, and goals for your final project. Questions to answer include: What data do you plan to visualize? For whom? And to what end? While you may revise the selected data and goals as your project develops, you should endeavor to plan out your goals as best you can.

You should work in teams of 3-4 students. Your proposal must include the names, UW email addresses, and GitHub usernames of each team member. If you are looking for project partners, please post to Canvas to find classmates with similar interests!

After the proposal deadline, we will assign your team a repository in the CSE 442 GitHub Organization. We will name your repository based on the project title you provide in your proposal (so choose wisely!). Your repository will be public by default so people can see your work. If you have any concerns, please talk to the course staff.


To get a sense of the scope of a successful project and gain inspiration, you may wish to browse the results of similar courses at other universities:

Potential Data Sources

Here is a list of data sources that you might consider for the final project. You are also free to use data from a source different from those listed here. If you have any questions on whether a dataset is appropriate, ask the course staff.

Submission Details

Complete the final project proposal form by Tue 4/18, 5pm. Please submit only one response per team. You do not need to submit anything on Canvas.