Old News
Feb 27, 2009
Feb 20, 2009
Feb 9, 2009
- Updated the How Tos page to include information about setting up the project directory permissions correctly.
Feb 3, 2009
Jan 13, 2009
- The in-class group version of the Heuristic Evaluation assignment is now online in the Assignments section.
- We now have an anonymous feedback form on our class website (bottom of the left nav bar).
- Thanks to Jim George, we have some starter info on how to use Subversion for version control of your project files, in the How Tos section.
- As discussed in discussion section this past Monday, there will no longer be official TA office hours. If you wish to speak to the TA, simply IM or email to set up a time.
Jan 9, 2009
- The third class will be Tuesday, Jan. 15th in CSE 403. We will be in this room every Tuesday for the rest of the term.
- Assignment #2 is now posted (due Thursday January 15). You will be receiving individual email about which specific projects to conduct your heuristic evaluation on.
Jan 7, 2009
- The second class will be Thursday, Jan. 8th in CSE 303. We will be in this room every Thursday and in another room (TBD) every Tuesday for the rest of the term.
Jan 5, 2009
- The first class will be Tuesday, Jan. 6th in Sieg 228. We will then move to another room (TBD) for the rest of the term.