
A Sounder Experience

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Improve the King County Transit system, specifically the Link Light Rail for non-english speakers by removing the language barrier and creating a more intuitive and user-friendly system.


We propose to make the Link more informative and intuitive. Regarding the payment system, we intend to include tutorial videos at the entrance of the stations and will be in the form of demonstrations instead of explanations so we can eliminate the language barriers while educating riders about the payment system. The station would also be implemented with gates so it will be obvious to the riders as to when and where to tap their tickets. To help riders easily navigate through Link, we will have maps and signs at the stations and on Link cars to inform them about the information needed.

Digital Mockup


A physical gate at the entrance of each station

Tap to enter/exit

Tap the orca card/chip on the machine to get through.

Informative Ticket

Orca chip will have destination station logo on it. It will also vibrate upon arrival at desired station.

Vehicle Arrival Indication

Poles at platform indicating status of incoming vehicles.

Interactive map

Maps around the station that has interactive feature to provide more information when needed.

Dynamic Map

Maps on link cars has lights indicating passed and upcoming stations.


Ariel Ho

Undergraduate in CSE

I-Miao Chien

Undergraduate in CSE

Jessica Chen

Undergraduate in CSE

Kelley Chen

Undergraduate in CSE and Informatics