The accessible shopping experience
Tell Me More

Carry your items virtually.

Interact with the physical grocery store.

There are 1.6 million wheelchair users in the US.
1.6 million people to whom grocery shopping is not an easy task.

Sign in

Start shopping by selecting a grocery store. Or, look through past shopping trips.


Use the Snap and Search features to add items to your virtual shopping cart. View and edit your cart at any time.


Once you are done shopping, hit checkout and your items are brought directly to you.


Tools to enhance your shopping experience

Simple item adding

Add an item to your cart simpily by taking a picture of it, even items out of reach. You can search for an item through the app too.

Painless checkout

Checkout easily through the app and have your items fetched by a store employee.

Carry all you need

No need to worry about carrying items, the app keeps track of everything you want to buy in your cart.

Trouble free shopping

The full experience of shopping in a store, without the hassle that comes with it.


Iteration done to get to our final product.

Getting the Right Design


Getting the Design Right


Getting the Design Right


Our Amazing Team

Lior Levy

Computer science and informatics

Jed Chen

Computer science

John Feltrup

Computer science