Jiarui Guo
Computer Science and Engineering
The device tracks driver's body and eye movements while on the road. Once it detects driver engaging in distracting behaviors, it sends an alert through its built-in speakers. The data collected will automatically sync to the phone app paired through bluebooth.
The dashboard shows an overview of the distribution of activities for the most recent drive. The pie chart is clickable and leads you to a detailed view of the activity. Users can also look at any other days or change the granularity to be week and month based.
The Stats page shows user's historical performance. The height of the bars represents their safety score. Users can change the granularity to show a comparison of weeks, months, or years. By clicking a bar the user is taken to a details screen where they can view more information about their behavior for the selected timeframe.
The leaderboard page shows user's standing among their friends and national. The arrows indicate whether the user has gone up or down in their standing. User can also view friends' profiles, add, block and delete a friend.
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering