
Explaining our initial proposal and our solution


The population of international students in the U.S. is rapidly increasing, yet simultaneously political tensions surrounding immigration issues are rising. In this chaotic and polarized time, international students can have difficulty finding correct, reliable, and unbiased news and Information. The important deadlines and accurate information they do find get buried among the everyday stresses of student life.


We want to alleviate international students’ stresses; our proposed solution design for this problem involves a filtering system that connects information holders (ISS advisors, legal aids, etc.) with information seekers based on their personal information and chosen topics. We also give them the power to manage important deadlines with easy to use tools.
Home Screen: Important and Subscribed News
Personalized News: Brief and informative with video
Reminders: Up-to-Date and autofilled tasks
Resources: All the contact information you need


A look into the features of

Comprehensive Articles

Articles are catered by ISS advisers and include many tools such as video.

Filtered News

Get news that is relevant to you
and your interests.

Push Notifications

Have your news related to you come to you, when you need it.


Organize checklist and keep on top of looming deadlines.

App Walkthrough

A walk through on how to use the app

Our Interactive Prototype

Step 1: Login
Click on the username bar then click login. You are logged in as Hans.
You are a senior, majoring in Humanities. Click the dropdown menu to select this.
Proceed to the next screen.
Select Germany as your country and F1 as your Visa type.
Proceed to the next screen.
Click on Travel and Proceed to the next screen.
Step 2: Read an Article
This is the homepage, with your newsfeed. Try exploring the following:
Read the feature article: “Nam Dictum Commodo”
Read the subscribed news: “Lorem Ipsum”
Edit your subscribed news to remove “Spring Break” tag
Once you’ve done an action, you can go back to the homepage by
clicking the back arrow at the top left.
Step 3: Create a reminder
From the homepage, check out the hamburger menu at the top left.
To manage your reminders, click the Reminders option on the menu.
You’d like to set a reminder for the CPT form. Click the dropdown menu to select this.
A list provided by ISS advisors will show you the steps needed for the task.
Click the arrow at the bottom right to add this reminder.
The reminder is now on your list; click it to view the checklist
Go back to the Reminders screen.
From the hamburger menu, you can also access the Resources to get the
contact information of advisors or various NGOs.

Our Reports

Our journey through the creating of this project

Our Team

The people who pushed the journey forward at every step

Amanda Chalfant

Director of Internal Affairs
Project Manager and Writer

Erin McAweeney

Savvy Communicator
Writer and User Research

Rakib Mirza

Token Creative
Sketcher and Paper Design

Mahir Kothary

International Liaison
User Research and Digital Design