Nurse Watch
The Hands Free Solution to Better Care
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The Problem

Nursing homes face a chronic issue of understaffing, and on average, nurses have less than an hour to spend with each patient*. With so many patients to juggle and such a fast paced schedule, it’s crucial that nurses accurately remember each patient’s information, especially when it comes to time sensitive medications or procedures. In addition, with such a busy schedule, it is a challenge to respond to an emergency and take the time to ensure that staff, family, and friends are notified.

* Harris-Kojetin L, Sengupta M, Park-Lee E, et al. Long-term care providers and services users in the United States: Data from the National Study of Long-Term Care Providers, 2013-2014. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 3(38). 2016.

Our Solution

Nurse Watch is a wearable solution for the problems faced by nurses taking care of multiple patients on a day-to-day basis. The watch is lightweight and doesn’t get in the way, but allows nurses to communicate easily with one another in the case of an emergency, as well as to set reminders for time sensitive tasks. This product will make the lives of busy nurses easier, helping them stay on top of their various responsibilities.

Watch Overvew

Nurse Watch comes with components that ensure that a user can easily and quickly navigate between various features. The watch has a button clearly visible on the side of the external hardware that brings the user back to the home screen, no matter which page the user had been viewing. In addition, the watch features text to speech conversion for both reporting an emergency and recording reminders, reducing the time needed to complete these two tasks.


Reporting an emergency quickly, using voice activation
Speech to Text
Two way encoded emergency notification alerts
Reminders for time sensitive tasks
User authenticated task completion
Emergency Help Notifications and instant reply function

Our design accomplishes two main tasks - reporting an emergency and setting reminders for time sensitive tasks. Both of these are very important for nurses to complete promptly, but are difficult to accomplish quickly without technological aid, which is where our solution comes in.

Our first task focuses on reporting an emergency easily and notifying concerned parties. A nurse can speak into the watch to record her emergency and after pressing or saying “send,” the watch will automatically notify all staff currently wearing the watch.

Nurses receiving an emergency notification will get a flashing red screen instructing them to tap in order to view the message (to protect patient information). They can choose to notify the nurse who sent the notification that they will be coming to help.

Nurses can also set reminders for time sensitive tasks for themselves, and view them in a list where they are marked as green for completed and red for uncompleted. Nurses can always view reminders in more details, as well as edit or delete them. To set a reminder, a nurse merely speaks into her phone with the time, detail and title of the task. She can also mark a task as complete, which will require her drawing her initials on the screen for authentication.

Emergency Preview

Record emergencies and send to other users.

Emergency Notification

Instantly view emergencies

Emergency Reply

View and respond to emergencies

Task List

View all complete and incomplete reminders

Reminder Preview

Expand tasks to see more detail

Reminder Notifications

Dismiss or complete tasks with one tap

Design Process

Initial Sketching

side view
wrist view

The first part of our process was to sketch some ideas of possible designs, as we were considering multiple solutions. Our sketch was rough and got the main features of our potential design across, such as voice activation and the general tasks the design could accomplish, but it lacked a lot of detail as we were still in the process of selecting a solution.


Story Board 1
Story Board 2

Our next design stage involved creating storyboards, helping us envision the contexts where nurses would be using our design. We created a brief story, showing how a nurse would walk through the two main tasks that were addressed by our design. This allowed us to not only envision how a nurse may accomplish the task using the watch, but also got us thinking of particular features that would be necessary.

Paper Prototype

Initial Version

Initial Paper Prototype

Final Version

Final Paper Prototype

After our storyboards were created, it was time to add more detail to our design with a paper prototype. We created specific features on watch-like paper cutouts, allowing us to fit our design to the appropriate size. In particular, at this stage we added specific buttons and envisioned what the step-by-step process of completing each task would look like. Having a paper prototype also allowed us to complete user testing, which resulted in several changes to our initial prototype.

Our Amazing Team

The talented UW CSE Nurse Watch Designers

Isidora Vukosav

Storyboarder, Writer

John Abercrombie

Writer, Designer

Anupam Gupta

User Researcher, Designer


Follow the links below to learn more about our design process.

Project Proposal

Getting the Right Design

Getting the Design Right

Presentation Slides