Iyagi Seattle
The Problem
With the rise of globalization, more and more people are moving between countries and settling in the U.S. People move for various reasons, and not everyone has the resources to formally learn English. Through our research, we found that there weren’t as many resources for Korean speakers, as compared to speakers of other languages like Spanish or Chinese. Many Korean immigrants are not able to speak English proficiently, and many have trouble even if they do know conversational English.
Our Solution
Our app, Iyagi Seattle, aims to solve this problem for Korean immigrants who have settled in Seattle by providing users with quick access to phrases, customs, slang, and other information for being able to communicate successfully in the U.S. Iyagi Seattle uses the user's location to provide the most relevant information based on what type of place they’re at. If they’re at a restaurant, it will show relevant phrases to use, information on how to tip, reviews from other users, and helpful posts from other users who’ve been there.
Our app also has a social aspect, where users can ask questions to other users, plan meet-ups with each other, and more. Our app is focused specifically on Seattle so that we can give more specific tips and information based on location.

Home Page
Quick access to all available slangs, phrases, customs, etc.

Live speech transcription and translation

My Location
Relevant tips and information based on your location

Quick way to select nearby places to see reviews and relevant information

Message Boards
Area to ask and answer questions, schedule meet-ups, and interact with other users.

Organize and RSVP to nearby events
Our Team
Hannah Hertzog
UW Computer Science
Iyagi Seattle Cofounder

Justin Tran
UW Computer Science
Iyagi Seattle Cofounder