Keeping your relationships balanced
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Choose Contacts

You can select the contacts you want to set a relationship goal with. You can choose them from various mediums such as Facebook, your contacts, Google PLus, etc.

Set a Goal

Once you choose a contact, then you can set up a goal with that specific person. You can choose whether or not you want to dedicate less, the same, or more effort into your relationship with that person.

Get Notified

Once you have set up a goal with someone, Relate will notify you if you are falling behind or haven't contacted someone in a while.

Interactive Prototype

Video Prototype

Design Process


Paper Prototypes

Digital Mockups

The Team

Christopher Blappert

Documentation & Analysis

Computer Science & Engineering

Luis Flores

User Experience Lead

Human Centered Design & Engineering

Thomas Phan


Informatics: Human-Computer Interaction

Joel Sigo

Project Manager

Computer Science & Engineering