Plantr allows your plants to talk to you and each other. Imagine that you buy a new plant. Your other plants say hi and welcome the new plant.
Your plants can express happiness, sadness, and other emotions!

Plants will send you messages via Plantr when they need care.
When your new plant needs to be fertilized, it sends you a message telling you that it's hungry. When you fertilize your plant, it sends you a thank-you message.

Plantr can help you take care of plants even when something goes horribly wrong.
Imagine that one of your plants has brown spots on its leaves. You check its water supply, pH, temperature, and light exposure, but nothing appears to be wrong. You can use Plantr to diagnose the problem and figure out a solution or contact a nearby nursery store for more help.
Team Members

Graduate Student in MHCID
I am a designer who studies at the U dub. I am mainly responsible for the user interface design of Plantr.
Contact me: jianfenz@uw.edu

Undergraduate Student in Computer Science & Creative Writing
I am a UW student studying software engineering and writing. I am responsible for a large part of the writing in Plantr.
Contact me: wps5@uw.edu

Undergraduate Student in Electrical Engineering
I'm an EE student at UW focusing on embedded systems and controls. I'm mainly responsible for iterative design, interactive prototyping and hardware.
Contact me: pbartell@uw.edu

Undergraduate Student in Computer Science
I have a background in software engineering. I am mainly responsible for task development and ideation.
Contact me: joryr@uw.edu