Low Fidelity Prototype

Low Fidelity Prototype Report

We created a paper prototype for our low-fidelity prototype. Our paper prototype is designed and optimized for iPhone.

The paper prototype screens were kept by one of our members and hidden from the participants so they would not see them before they interacted with them. To do our user testing, we had a person interacting with the participants in case they needed help. The computer was ready to give the new screens to the participant depending on what the participants interacted with. And the person obverting writes down raw data of what the participants liked and mistakes they made.

Testing our application with a diverse group of users gave us the opportunity to look at our own mock-up from the prospective of users who will be using the application to reach a goal but will be using it differently. We had a very positive feedback from all the participants, but we also received some feedback that will help us improve our application.