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Shurui Sun: Team Lead
shurui [at] cs.washington.edu


Andrew Smith: Testing Lead
andrewrs [at] cs.washington.edu


Tara Pugh: Documentation Lead
tapugh1 [at] cs.washington.edu


Apisada "Pookie" Petchtes: Design Lead
pooklook [at] cs.washington.edu

Launch Wall Panel | Launch Phone App

Task 1:

You want to change the hibernate settings. Using the blueprint mode, please change the settings to now turn off the bathroom lights, fan, and the outlet with your hair dryer when hibernate is turned on. Return to the main screen.

Later, you have left home in a hurry. You realize you didn’t turn hibernate on when you left. Using the phone application, please turn hibernate on.

Task 2:

You are out shopping and you see a friend. He mentions that he’s using the same energy monitoring system and tells you his energy score. His score seems really high, so using the phone application you go check his score. What is your score?

It is a different day. You are at home and want to check to see if your score has improved. Please check your score on the wall-mounted screen. What is your score?

Task 3:

After coming home from work, you want to check how your energy usage for today looks. After looking at the graph, you want to see what category is using the most energy. Next, you want to see how much energy you would save by turning off the basement lights. After you have seen what the savings would be, you want to see what tips the system has for you.