General description
Cryptography provides important tools for ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive digital data. This course covers the design and application of important cryptographic objects, including basic cryptographic tools, such as encryption, message authentication, and digital signatures, as well as advanced cryptographic objects and protocols, such as zero-knowledge proofs, secure multi-party computation, and fully homomorphic encryption. For each cryptographic object, we formalize its security goal, show schemes that achieve the desired security, and study security attacks or security proofs that establish the insecurity or security of the scheme at hand.
Through this course, we aim to give an overview of the discipline of cryptography, the proper usage and application of important cryptographic tools, and methodologies that modern cryptography offers for developing cryptographic solutions to natural security problems.
Pre-req: CSE 312 and CSE 332. The class will be self-contained. But students are expected to be ready to understand mathematical definitions and proofs, and write simple ones. Exposure to basic probability / algebra / number theory, and theory of computing is also expected. (Contact the instructor if in doubt.)
There is no mandatory
textbook. Slides and reading materials will be posted throughout the class. However, the following are good references about basic cryptography. (Be aware that different textbooks make very different notational choices to explain the same concepts.)
A good
overview on secure multi-party computation (from an
applier perspective) is available in
(available for free!)
Accommodations: We will follow UW
policies for
disability accommodations and
religious accommodations.
Academic conduct: Please also refer to UW policies on
student conduct
academic integerity
Class attendence and Recordings: This class will take place
in person,
so are the sessions and office hours.
Attendence is
mandatory. The lectures will be recorded and
recordings will be available on Canvas.
DRS accommodation: If you want DRS accommodations, you should email DRS
as soon as possible. DRS will contact us directly to get these accomodations set up for you.
Homework policy:
There will be six homework assignments, to be
solved individually. Solutions are to be
submitted over Gradescope. There will be homework 7
that will not be graded (and not counted towards final
grade). With the exception of homework 1
(due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day), all homework will
be posted on Friday before mid night and
due one week later. See the schedule below
for homework release and due dates. We
strongly encourage you to type solutions up using
LaTeX. Alternatively, you can use any other tool that
properly displays equations (e.g., Word's equation
editor). You must show your work; at a
minimum 1-2 sentences per question, but ideally as
much as you would need to explain to a fellow
classmate who had not solved the problem before. Be
concise. A correct answer with no work is worth
nothing, less than a wrong answer with sufficient
explanations explaining your reasoning. It is
okay to discuss with other students in coming up with
the homework solutions, but you must list all your
collaborators at the top of each homework. Moreover,
you have to write up your own solution and be able to
explain your answer if asked to do so. If there are
any doubts, we plan to do some spot checks in which we
ask students to explain one of their solutions (or
solve a slight variant of the problem they solved on
the homework) in person. You have a total of
six late days during the quarter, but can only use up
to three late days on any one assignment. Please plan
ahead, as we will not be willing to add any additional
late days except in absolute, verifiable emergencies.
Regrade requests are to be submitted within one
week of the graded homework assignment being released.
Exams policy: All exams (midterm and final) will take place in the classroom. The final exam will be cumulative. The exams will be closed book, but you will be allowed to use a cheatsheet (more information will be provided at due time).
The following grading distribution may be slightly
adjusted during the course of the quarter, according to
the performance of the class.
Homework (50%)
Midterm (20%)
Final (30%)
Exams grades will be curved upwards only. This means if
the medium score is low, all scores will be shifted
upwards, but if the medium score is high, no adjustment will be made. In other words, in the case of
hard exams, the absolute scores do not
This is a tentative schedule meant to give
an overview of the topics we are going to cover. The
actual pace of the class may vary. See Edstem for updates
Wk | Date | Lecture contents |
Homework Schedule |
1 | 01/06 |
Welcome / organizational details
What is this class about? Why study cryptography?
The Provable Security Angle
| 01/08 |
Introduction to Encryption
Symmetric Encryption
Attack types
Breaking monoalphaetic substitution
| 01/10 |
One-time Pads, Perfect Secrecy, and its Limitations
The one-time pad
Shannon and perfect secrecy
Limitations of perfect secrecy
Intro to computational hardness
2 | 01/13 |
Block Ciphers and Pseudorandom Permutations I
Definition of Block Ciphers
Definition of random permutations
| 01/15 |
Block ciphers and Pseudorandom Permutations II
Distinguishing Advantage
Definition of Pseudorandom Permutations
Design of AES
| 01/17 |
Symmetric Encryption: Definition
The design of AES
Insecurity of ECB
Introduction to semantic security
3 | 01/20 |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
| 01/22 |
Symmmetric Encryption from PRFs I
Definition of IND-CPA security
Definition of PRFs
The PRF/PRP Switching Lemma and collision probabilities
| 01/24 |
Symmmetric Encryption from PRFs II
Security proof for the simple encryption scheme
Proofs via hybrid oracles
Basic reductions
4 | 01/27 |
Modes of Operation + Padding-Oracles Intro
CTR encryption
CBC encryption
Padding Schemes
| 01/29 |
Padding-Oracle Attacks
Fixing IND-CPA security for variable-length messages
Padding oracle attacks
Intro to ciphertext integrity
| 01/31 |
Hash Functions
Definition of collision-resistance
Applications of Hash Functions
The Merkle-Damgaard transform
5 | 02/03 |
Hash Functions & MACs
Security of Merkle-Damgaard
Seeded hash functions
Introduction to MACs
| 02/05 |
| 02/07 |
In-Class Midterm
6 | 02/10 |
Authenticated Encryption
| 02/12 |
Computational Number Theory
Motivation of public-key cryptography
Modular arithmetic
| 02/14 |
Computational Number Theory II
Cyclic groups
The discrete logarithm problem
| |
7 | 02/17 |
Key Exchange
The Diffie-Hellman Protocol
The hardness of the DL problem
| 02/19 |
Elliptic Curves
| 02/21 |
Public-key Encryption and RSA
How to build public-key encryption from two-round Key Exchange
The ElGamal cryptosystem
Plain RSA
8 | 02/24 |
RSA & Factoring
RSA & Padding
IND-CCA security & OAEP
Hardness of factoring
| 02/26 |
Digital Signatures I
Handling large RSA decryption exponents
Fault & side-channel attacks
Introduciton to digital signatures
| 02/28 |
Digital Signatures II
9 | 03/03 |
Authenticatd Key-Exchange & TLS
| 03/05 |
Secure Messaging
Secure messaging desiderata
Symmetric Ratchet
Continuous Key-Agreement
| 03/07 |
Introduction to Cryptographic Protocols
Two-party computation and ideal functionalities
10 | 03/10 |
Two-party Computation I
Garbling an AND gate
Oblivious Transfer
| 03/12 |
Two-party Computation II
Yao's protocol & Garbled Circuits
DDH-based PSI protocol
| 03/14 |
Secret-Sharing and Multi-Party Computation
Problem statement
Secret sharing
Protocol for addition
A general solution