332 algorithms and data structures
The following algorithms and data structures from 332 can be used without any further explanation.
Sorting Algorithms
- Quicksort:
- Worst-case time O(n^2)
- Average-case time O(n log n)
- In-place, but not stable; usually fastest in “the real world”
- Mergesort:
- Worst-case time O(n log n)
- Average-case time O(n log n)
- not in-place, but stable
- Heapsort:
- Worst-case time O(n log n)
- Average-case time O(n log n)
- in-place, but not stable.
Shortest Paths
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm:
- Running time: O(E log V + V log V)
- Precondition: All edge-weights non-negative.
- Stores distance from source to v in v.dist for every vertex v.
- Can also find path from source to v for a particular v in O(E) extra time.
- BFS-Shortest Path:
- Running time: O(V+E)
- Precondition: All edge weights are identical (or unweighted).
- Stores distance from source to v in v.dist for every vertex v.
- Can also find path from source to v for a particular v in O(E) extra time.
Minimum Spanning Trees
- Kruskal’s Algorithm:
- Running time: O(E log E)
- Returns list of edges in MST or a graph object containing just the spanning tree.
- Prim’s Algorithm:
- Running time: O(E + V log V)
- Returns list of edges in MST or a graph object containing just the spanning tree.
Graph Search
[B/D]FS modification to find connected components.
- Running Time O(V+E)
- Precondition: undirected graph.
- Stores a component number in each vertex (given two vertices, the numbers are the same if-and-only-if they are in the same component)
[B/D]FS modification to find weakly connected components.
- Running Time O(V+E)
- Precondition: directed graph.
- Stores a component number in each vertex (given two vertices, the numbers are the same if-and-only-if they are in the same weakly connected component)
DFS modification to find strongly connected components.
- Running time: O(V+E)
- Precondition: directed graph.
- Stores a SCC number in each vertex (given two vertices, the numbers are the same if-and-only if they are in the same strongly connected component)
DFS modification to find meta-graph (a.k.a. “condensation graph”) of G.
- Running time: O(V+E) (of the original graph
- Precondition: directed graph.
- Given vertex u of G, can get access in constant time to corresponding component vertex of condensation graph.
- Given component vertex of condensation graph, can get (in constant time) a list of the vertices of G in that component.
DFS modification to find topological sort.
- Running time O(V+E)
- Precondition: directed acyclic graph.
- Stores the index in the ordering in each vertex (e.g. if u is the 3rd vertex in the list, u has 3 stored inside) or returns a list of vertices in order.
Data Structures
AVL tree
Operation | Worst-case | Average-Case |
Insert | O(log n) | O(log n) |
Find | O(log n) | O(log n) |
Delete | O(log n) | O(log n) |
Hash Table
Operation | Worst-case | Average-Case |
Insert | O(n) | O(1) |
Find | O(n) | O(1) |
Delete | O(n) | O(1) |
- If you can guarantee a constant number of collisions (for example, because you know the keys in advance), all worst-case times become O(1).
Operation | Worst-case | Average-Case |
Insert at front | O(n) | O(n) |
Insert at end | O(1) (amortized) | O(1) |
Delete | O(n) | O(n) |
Find | O(log n) if sorted, O(n) otherwise | O(log n) if sorted, O(n) otherwise |
- In some use-cases, some of these operations can be sped up (for example, if you use lazy deletion, in a sorted array, deletion can be sped up)
Linked List
Operation | Worst-case | Average-Case |
Insert at front | O(1) | O(1) |
Insert at end | O(1) | O(1) |
Delete | O(n) | O(n) |
Find | O(n) | O(n) |
Operation | Running time (worst- and average-case) |
Enqueue | O(1) |
Peek | O(1) |
Dequeue | O(1) |
- Running times are amortized for array-based implementations.
Operation | Running time (worst- and average-case) |
Push | O(1) |
Peek | O(1) |
Pop | O(1) |
- Running times are amortized for array-based implementations.
Priority Queue
Operation | Running time (worst- and average-case) |
Insert | O(log n) |
Remove-Min | O(log n) |
Peek-Min | O(1) |
Decrease Priority | O(log n) |
Build-Heap (create heap with n elements) | O(n) |