In addition to the staff contact information, this page contains the most up-to-date listing of staff office hours (and their location). Office hours are subject to change, but we'll try to keep this page accurate at least a week into the future. Note: AC nth floor = Allen Center Breakout Space on Floor n. Gates = CSE2
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
9-9:30a | Samarjit Kaushik (CSE2 150) |
Daniel Gao (CSE2 150) |
9:30-10a | Samarjit Kaushik (CSE2 150) |
Daniel Gao (CSE2 150) |
10-10:30a | Paul Beame (CSE 668) |
10:30-11a | Paul Beame (CSE 668) |
Tom Tian (AC 4th Floor Breakout) |
11-11:30a | Edward Qin (CSE2 153) |
Tom Tian (AC 4th Floor Breakout) |
Kyle Mumma (CSE2 151) |
11:30-12p | Edward Qin (CSE2 153) |
Kyle Mumma (CSE2 151) |
12-12:30p | |||||
12:30-1p | |||||
1-1:30p | Ben Zhang Robert Stevens (CSE2 121) |
1:30-2p | Lecture (CSE2 G20) |
Ben Zhang Robert Stevens (CSE2 121) |
Lecture (CSE2 G20) |
Lecture (CSE2 G20) |
2-2:30p | Lecture (CSE2 G20) |
Lecture (CSE2 G20) |
Lecture (CSE2 G20) |
2:30-3p | Glenn Sun (CSE2 131) |
Paul Beame (CSE 668) |
Paul Beame (CSE 668) |
3-3:30p | Glenn Sun (CSE2 131) |
Aman Thukral Maxwell Wang (AC 4th Floor Breakout) |
3:30-4p | Raymond Guo (CSE2 121) |
Aman Thukral Maxwell Wang (AC 4th Floor Breakout) |
Muru Zhang (CSE2 150) |
4-4:30p | Raymond Guo (CSE2 121) |
Muru Zhang (CSE2 150) |
4:30-5p | |
5-5:30p | |||||
5:30-6p |