CSE 421 Assignment #7
Autumn 2012

Due: Wednesday, November 28, 2012.

Reading Assignment: Kleinberg and Tardos Chapter 8

Problems: For all problems on this homework that involve proving NP-completeness, give a full argument that shows that your reduction is correct and runs efficiently and make sure to prove that your problem is in NP also. If you are giving an algorithm, prove that your algorithm is correct and show that it runs efficiently.

  1. Suppose you have one machine and a set of n jobs a1, a2, ..., an to process on that machine. Each job aj has a processing time tj, a profit pj, and a deadline dj. The machine can process only one job at a time, and job aj must run uninterruptedly for tj consecutive time units. If job aj is completed by its deadline dj, you receive a profit pj, but if it is completed after its deadline, you receive a profit of 0. Give an efficient algorithm to find the schedule that obtains the maximum amount of profit, assuming that all processing times are integers between 1 and n. What is the running time of your algorithm?

  2. Kleinberg and Tardos, Chapter 7, Problem 19, page 425-426.

  3. Kleinberg and Tardos, Chapter 8, Problem 4, pages 506.

  4. Kleinberg and Tardos, Chapter 8, Problem 5, pages 506-507.

  5. Extra credit: Suppose that you have a set S of possible labels and are given a directed graph G=(V,E) with a designated start node s with each edge (u,v) having a label L(u,v) which is an element of S. (Note that multiple edges out of a node may have the same label.) In addition, each edge has a probablity p(u,v)≥ 0 of being taken when at u. (That is, for every u in V the sum over all v with (u,v) in E of p(u,v) is 1.) The probability of taking a path begining at the start node s is the product of the probabilities labeling its edges. Produce an efficient algorithm that will take as input the graph G with its edge labels and edge probabilities and a sequence of labels a1 ...,at and will determine the most likely path beginning at node s that is consistent with the sequence of labels (and determine the probability of that path). You can assume that arithmetic operations on real numbers have cost 1.