These textbooks are not a perfect match for our coverage, but may provide another perspective when studying:
- Kleinberg & Tardos. Algorithm Design. (Topic-Chapter list from 1th ed.)
- Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & Stein. Introduction to Algorithms.
- Jeff Erickson. Algorithms. (Free book)
- Tim Roughgarden. Algorithms Illuminated. (Free videos)
CSE 373 Review
- Per-topic videos from Autumn 2020
- CSE 373 Panopto recordings from Summer 2019
- Section handouts and answers from Summer 2019
- List of common data structures and algorithms
Proof Review
- Resources tab from CSE 311
- In particular, there is a proof techniques summary that may be helpful.
- Induction introduction and practice
- Induction problems with answers