


We’ll release the exam at 11:59 PM Seattle time on Sunday March 14th. It will be due at 11:59 PM Seattle time on Wendesday March 17th. You cannot use late days on the final. If you have other exams (or any other responsibilities) that will interfere with your ability to find time to work in the standard time frame, please email Robbie as soon as possible to discuss alternatives. If an emergency occurs during the exam that interferes with your ability to complete it, please email Robbie as soon as possible to discuss accommodations.

Collaboration is more limited than the homeworks.

The exam will be split into sections – in some sections you will be given a choice of multiple problems to do (in the hope that if there’s a “magic step” in the problems, you’ll be able to see at least one). In each section, you will submit only one problem (If you attempt more than one we will randomly choose only one to grade).

Submission will be to gradescope. Please be very careful when submitting! In particular, you will have many “unassigned” problems, because you are only submitting one per section.

During the exam, you are permitted to use any resources from class (lecture slides, videos, homeworks, solutions, etc.) as well as any textbooks or other physical resources. You are permitted to use the internet as follows: you may search for related topics, but you may not search to find a particular problem (e.g. if we ask “design an algorithm to find the longest path in a DAG” you may search “path algorithms” and “greedy algorithms” and “dynamic programming” and “what’s a DAG” but you may not search “algorithm for finding the longest path in a DAG”). If you accidentally find the answer to a problem we’ve asked, please make a private post on Ed telling us what the resource was and we’ll discuss how to move forward (there will not be a penalty for telling us you accidentally found a resource).


Materials to study from are below. Because our exam is less time constrained, you should expect more “design an algorithm” problems and fewer “execute this algorithm” problems and very few “do you remember this fact” questions (since your exam is open-internet).