This course will discuss the design and analysis of algorithms, with a paricular emphasis on those techniques that are likely to be useful for creating new algorithms in practice. The main topics to be covered are designing algorithms using the divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and branch and bound approaches as well as modeling problems as instances of binary search or network flow problems. We will also briefly discuss the theory of NP-completeness as motivation for some of the techniques we examine.

Administrative Information

Instructor: Kevin Zatloukal (kevinz at cs)

Teaching Assistants:

Phillip Dang phdang1 at uw
Angli Liu anglil at uw
Alon Milchgrub alonmil at uw

Lectures: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays from 1:30pm-2:20pm in GWN 201

See the calendar for up-to-date office hours.

Please use the discussion board whenever possible for questions about lectures or homework assignments. The answer to your question is likely to be helpful to others in the class, and by using the discussion board, it will be available to them as well.

For grading or other private matters, please send email directly to the grader or instructor.