Projects for CSE 417 (Winter 2013) |
CSE 417: Algorithms and Computational Complexity The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2013 |
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Purpose: In this project, each student has an opportunity to work
independently or in a partnership of two on a topic of interest within
a range of alternatives. There is not only a choice of algorithms, but
also a choice of project types: theory or implementation.
Project plans are due Wednesday, February 20 at 5:00 PM, including choice of option, choice of
topic, intention to work individually or in partnership, and if in partnerhips, your partner.
You'll submit your plans via
a Catalyst WebQ questionnaire.
Progress reports are due Wednesday, February 27 (corrected from Mon. Feb. 25) at 2:00 PM, also via Catalyst. Final project reports and materials are due Friday, March 8. (Turn in your project materials via Catalyst by 2:00 PM.) |
Suggested Topics:
The following topics are suggestions for projects to be performed by individual students. For partnerships of two, the project should either combine theory and implementation for the same topic, or involve an empirical comparison of two or more algorithms for the same problem. Divide and Conquer: Comparing Fast Fourier Transforms with alternative radices (radix 2, 3, and 4). (research this online) Dynamic Programming: Stereo correspondences with real images. (research this online) Network Flow: Directed Edge-Disjoint Paths Problem (K&T sec. 7.6) Undirected Edge-Disjoint Paths Problem (K&T sec. 7.6) Marketing Survey Design (K&T sec. 7.8) Airline Flight Scheduling (K&T sec. 7.9) Image Segmentation (K&T sec. 7.10) Business Project Selection (K&T sec. 7.11) Baseball Team Elimination (K&T sec. 7.12) Real-Estate Sales Management (K&T sec. 7.13) |
I. Theory Option
Overview: Choose a topic and get the instructor's OK for your choice. The topic will be a non-trivial algorithm that has been presented in the literature or that is covered in Chapter 7 of our textbook. Write a report about it that includes a tutorial. Prepare and deliver a 12-minute talk on your algorithm. Contents of the Report:
Contents of the Oral Presentation:
II. Implementation Option
Overview: Choose a topic and get the instructor's OK for your choice. The topic will be a non-trivial algorithm that has been presented in the literature or covered in Chapter 7 of our textbook. Implement the algorithm in Python. Write a short report about it describing the algorithm, your program, and several test cases. Contents of the Report:
Updates and Corrections: This page was last updated on February 24 (with a correction of the due date for progress reports). |