(10 points). Complete the online
background survey.
Gale-Shapley Algorithm
(22 points). Find stable matchings (or report any instabilities) for the following problem instance using
these four different variations on the Gale-Shapley algorithm.
a. man-optimal
b. woman-optimal
c. proposing alternates between men and women, starting with a man.
Proposing is by the first unengaged member of the gender whose turn
it is to propose; orders are A, B, C, D, and W, X, Y, Z; that is, Art proposes before Bob, etc.
Whenever an engagement is broken off or a proposal is rejected, however,
proposing continues by the same gender.
d. same as in (c) except that the first proposer is a woman.
The men are:
Art, Bob, Cal, and Don.
The women are:
Wendy, Xanthippe, Yvonne, and Zoe.
The preferences are:
Art: Xanthippe, Zoe, Yvonne, Wendy
Bob: Wendy, Yvonne, Zoe, Xanthippe
Cal: Wendy, Xanthippe, Zoe, Yvonne
Don: Zoe, Wendy, Xanthippe, Yvonne
Wendy: Don, Cal, Bob, Art
Xanthippe: Cal, Bob, Art, Don
Yvonne: Don, Cal, Art, Bob
Zoe: Cal, Bob, Don, Art
Express your solutions in the following form:
A-W, B-X, C-Y, D-Z
Note that this matching is not a stable one, however, since (C-X) is an instability.
Identify another instability in this matching (2 points).
You may find it helpful to watch the demo at the website listed below.
The "game" is also very instructive.
Properties of Stable Matchings 1
(8 points). In Kleinberg and Tardos, Chapter 1, Exercise 1. Either prove it to be true or prove it to be false (e.g., by giving a counterexample).
Properties of Stable Matchings 2
(10 points). In Kleinberg and Tardos, Chapter 1, Exercise 2. Either prove it to be true or prove it to be false.
5-Minute Runtimes
(30 points). Suppose you have the five running times given below (and assume they are exact). Suppose you have a computer that performs 1012 (i.e., 10 to the 12 power) operations per second, and that you will need to compute the answer to your problem in at most 5 minutes. For each algorithm, give the largest input size n for which you would be able to get the result within five minutes.
a. n^2
b. n^3
c. n log n ; (Assume the base of the logarithms here is 2.)
d. 2^n
e. 2^(2^n)
Big O Hierarchies
(10 points). In Kleinberg and Tardos, Chapter 2, Exercise 5.
(10 points). In Kleinberg and Tardos, Chapter 2, Exercise 7.