Sample Final CSE 417

  1. Give an expression using Big-O notation that describes the behaviour of the following recurrences as closely as you can. (All fractions are assumed to be rounded down to the nearest integer.)

    1. For n >= 2, T(n)<= 3T(n/3)+cn; T(1)=1.

    2. For n >= 3, T(n)<= T(n-2)+log2 n; T(1)=T(2)=1.

    3. For n >= 2, T(n)<= 3T(n/2)+cn; T(1)=1.

    4. For n >= 2, T(n)<= 4T(n/4)+cn2; T(1)=1.

    5. For n >= 2, T(n)<= 5T(n/3)+cn2; T(1)=1.

  2. Suppose that Write a recurrence that describes the running time of the Select procedure as a function of n. EXPLAIN how you arrived at your answer.
    Procedure Select(A,n,v)
      if n <= 4 then return A[0]
      m = n/5
      for i=0 to m-1
         j = 5*i
         B[i] = Middle(A[j],A[j+1],A[j+2],A[j+3],A[j+4])
      Pivot = Select(B,m,v)
      Position = Partition(A,0,n-1,Pivot)
      return Select(A,Position,v)
    Procedure Partition(A,Left,Right,Pivot)
      L = Left
      R = Right
      while L < R do
          while A[L] < = Pivot and L < = Right do L=L+1;
          while A[R] > Pivot and R > = Right do R=R-1;
          if L < R then swap A[L] and A[R]
      return R

  3. Describe an algorithm to determine, given a directed graph G=(V,E), whether or not G is acyclic (that is, whether or not G contains a cycle). Analyze its running time in terms of n, the size of V, and m, the size of E.

  4. Dijkstra's algorithm using heaps takes O((m+n)log n) time to find single-source shortest paths in a weighted undirected graph G=(V,E) with n vertices and m edges. If you know that the edges have only weight 1 or 2 then single-source shortest paths can be computed in O(m+n) time. Pick ONE of the following two methods to show this (or surprise me with one of your own):

  5. Computability.

    1. What are the basic components of a Turing machine?

    2. What does a Turing machine do in a single step?

    3. Which kind of computing device can compute more things, a Turing machine or a C-program? Justify your answer.

    4. What is the Halting Problem?

    5. Why might we care that the Halting Problem is undecidable? That is, what practical impact does it have?

  6. NP-completeness. Let HALF-CLIQUE be the following problem: Given an undirected graph G, does G contain a clique that covers at least half the vertices of G? In this question you will show that HALF-CLIQUE is NP-complete, using the fact that CLIQUE is NP-complete.

    1. Show that HALF-CLIQUE is in NP.

    2. Show that CLIQUE is polynomial-time mapping reducible to HALF-CLIQUE using the following function f:
      On input a pair < G,k> where G has n vertices, f outputs < G'> where G' consists of the graph G together with n extra vertices, k of which are isolated (having no edges anywhere) and the remaining n-k of which are each joined to each other and also to every vertex in G.

      NOTE: First describe WHAT you will need to show. A significant component of the credit will be for this portion. Then fill out the details.