
Some office hours will be held on Zoom. Although we strongly encourage students to attend office hours in-person, they can still participate virtually via their UW Zoom accounts. Zoom meeting links are published on our course Canvas page. Zoom office hours will not be recorded. See our Zoom information page for instructions for how to join live class sessions.


We use EdStem for course discussion, announcements, as well as a place to complete and turn in certain assessments. Almost all questions about the course content or the assessments should be posted here since this is frequented by the whole course staff; the main exception would be going onto Discord to queue up for office hours or to discuss with other students.

If you think your question may give away too much information or is more personal, you can always make the question private so it is only visible to the course staff.

You may also email Amal directly for more serious personal circumstances that you do not want to share with the whole course staff.


Like many other CSE courses, we are mainly using Canvas as a gradebook and a place to find Zoom recordings. Please refer to the course website for most course information, including assignment specs and due dates.


We use Gradescope for submitting some homework assignments and giving feedback. You will submit many your assignments for the course here.