Note that this assignment will be different than the rest, since we will not be coding on or submitting on EdStem. Instead, we will use Google Colab as our editing environment, since they provide GPU access for free. We encourage you to use Colab and then to download your notebook and submit on Gradescope.


HW9 - Deep Learning with PyTorch (50 points)

Due Tuesday 06/01 at 9:00 pm.


You may submit any part of the assignment assignment as many times as you want before the late cutoff (remember submitting after the due date will cost late days).

You may submit any part of the assignment assignment as many times as you want before the late cutoff (remember submitting after the due date will cost late days). To submit the concept answers on Gradescope, you must press the “Submit and View Submission” button after typing in all of your answers. To submit the notebook on Gradescope, you should download the .ipynb notebook from Colab and upload to the upload assignment.

Please make sure you are familiar with the late day policy and collaboration policy on the syllabus.

Assignment Structure

For each homework assignment, there will usually be two things to submit:

  • A Concept portion that asks you to solve conceptual questions about that week’s material. This part counts towards the Concept Portion of your assignment grade. You will turn in Concept portions on Gradescope.
  • A Programming portion that asks you to answer questions or do an analysis involving programming. This counts towards your Programming portion of your final grade. You will turn in Programming portion for this assignment on Gradescope.

Unlike our practice HW0, this assignment and the remaining will not show you the correct answers when you submit. There are some tests we show you on EdStem to help you ensure the type of your answer is the one we are expecting, but it does not check the correctness of your answers.

TAs will be grading your assignments by hand for any portions that require manual grading and to ensure you wrote code to solving these problems (e.g., rather than typing in hard-coded answers you got from somewhere else).



Complete the Concept portion on Gradescope.


Starter Code Submit

This week, we will be using Colab to develop our notebook and Gradescope to submit. Please see the instructions listed from the starter code here.

The link to the starter code above is a shared, read-only copy that all students will start from. You should make your own copy of the notebook with the “Copy to Drive” button above the menu. This will make your own file in your Drive you have full control over.