CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Autumn 2022
Regular Meetings: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
1:30-2:20 in
CSE2 G10.
Worksheets: Worksheets are due by 3:30 11:59 PM the day after
they are administered in class. This will provide extra time, in case not
all aspects of a worksheet can be covered in class, and in case students
don't have enough free time to finish them the same day.
Class Format:
Lectures and some office hours will normally be in-person.
Other office hours or special sessions may be on Zoom.
Lectures are schedule to be recorded using the Panopto system.
Registering for the course: If you have not been able to
register for the course, but you believe you are qualified, please
come to class on Day 1 and the rest of the first week;
Assuming places open up, and you have the appropriate background,
we will try to give priority to students who were there since Day 1.
For additional information, click
Final Examination: All students registered in CSE 415 must take the final
examination at the scheduled time and place (Monday, December 12, 2022, from 2:30 PM to 4:20 PM
in CSE2 Room G10), unless an official accommodation is being
made through the Disabled Student Services office. If you expect to be traveling
out of town at the time of the final examination, you should take CSE 415 in some
future quarter rather than during Autumn 2022 and/or sign up for a different course instead.