Teaching Staff
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Spring 2019

Steve Tanimoto
Course Instructor
Off.Hrs: M 3:30-4:20
in CSE 624.
tanimoto (at) uw (dot) edu

Kimberly Bautista
Teaching Assistant
Off.Hrs: Tues 10:30-11:20
in CSE 4th fl. breakout.
kimb3609 (at) uw (dot) edu

Divye Jain
Teaching Assistant
Off.Hrs: Thurs 11:30-12:20
in CSE2 150
dpjain (at) uw (dot) edu

Rob Thompson
Teaching Assistant
Off.Hrs: Fri 11:30-12:20
in CSE 021.
robthomp (at) uw (dot) edu

Bryan Van Draanen
Teaching Assistant
Off.Hrs: W 1:30-2:20
in CSE 2nd fl. breakout.
bryanvd (at) uw (dot) edu
Note that the office hours posted on this page are the "normal" ones, and any temporary changes will be announced in the Piazza forum.