Assignment 5: Markov Decision Processes and Q-Learning |
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2018 |
The search theme continues here, except that now our agents operate in a world in which actions may have uncertain outcomes. The interactions are modeled probabilistically using the technique of Markov Decision Processes. Within this framework, the assignment focuses on two approaches to having the agent maximize its expected utility: (1) by a form of planning, in which we assume that the parameters of the MDP (especially T and R) are known, which takes the form of Value Iteration, and (2) by an important form of reinforcement learning, called Q-learning, in which we assume that the agent does not know the MDP parameters. |
Part A (Value Iteration) is due Friday, February 16 via Catalyst CollectIt at 11:59 PM. |
Part B (Q-Learning) is due Wednesday, February 21 via
Catalyst CollectIt
at 11:59 PM.
What to Do.
Download the starter code, and try running the file This will start up a graphical user interface,
assuming that you are running the standard distribution of Python 3.6
which includes the Tkinter user-interface technology.
You can see that some menus are provided. Some of the menu choices
are handled by the starter code, such as setting some of the parameters
of the MDP. However, you will need to implement the code to actually
run the Value Iteration and the Q-Learning.
PART A: Implement Value Iteration (40 points).
There is a starter file called Rename the file according to this format and your own UWNetID. Also, change the name within where this file is imported. Complete the implementation of the functions there:
PART B: Implement Q-Learning (40 points).
NOTE: UPDATED STARTER CODE WITH FULL SUPPORT FOR THE BASIC IMPLEMENTATIONS IN PART B WAS RELEASED ON WED. FEB. 14 at 11:45 PM. The link on this page to the starter code goes to the latest version. (A bug-fix release on Feb. 15 at 11:45 PM fixed a critical bug in which your choose_next_action function was not called after the last transition of an episode, even though you need the call in order to find out the reward for transitioning out of a goal state.) Start by renaming the skeleton file to be your own file, and change the file to import the renamed file (as well as your custom Value Iteration file).
Implement Q-learning to work in two contexts. In one context,
a user can "drive" the agent through the problem space by selecting
actions through the GUI. After each action is executed by the system,
In the second context, your function In order control the compromise, you should implement epsilon-greedy Q-learning. You should provide two alternatives: (a) fixed epsilon, with the value specified by the GUI or the system (including possible autograder), and (b) custom epsilon-greedy learning. In the latter, your program can set an epsilon value and change it during the session, in order to gradually have the agent focus more on exploitation and less on exploration. You are encouraged to develop another means of controlling the exploitation/exploration tradeoff. Implementing the use of an exploration function is optional and worth 5 points of extra credit. The GUI provides a means to control whether you are using it or not. However, it is up to you to handle it when it is selected. One unusual feature of some of the MDPs that we use in studying AI is goal states (or "exit states") and exit actions. In order to make your code consistent with the way we describe these in lecture, adhere to the following rules when implementing the code that chooses an action to return:
if is_valid_goal_state(s): print("It's a goal state; return the Exit action.") elif s==Terminal_state: print("It's not a goal state. But if it's the special Terminal state, return None.") else: print("it's neither a goal nor the Terminal state, so return some ordinary action.")Note that the Terminal_state variable is only available in the starter code version issued as a5-starter-code-Feb-14b.tar or later. Here is the starter code for this assignment. Additional updates and fixes for any possible bugs in the starter code will be issued when they become available, and some additional features to help support doing the experiments are planned for release over the weekend.
Report for Part B: Q-Learning Experiments (20 points).
The key theme of this assignment is how Q-learning allows an agent to learn a good policy without actually knowing the T and R functions of the MDP. We explore this idea by first using Value Iteration to obtain the correct answers for V*(s), Q*(s, a), and pi*(s). This requires us to have T and R given in advance. Then we try to find out what it will take for an agent to learn various approximations of these through Q-Learning without being given T and R. After you have implemented both Value Iteration and Q-Learning, you are ready to find out what it will take to get the Q-Learning to get close to the results of Value Iteration. We'll address the following general question in several ways: How many iterations, and what processes for controlling the parameters of Q-Learning, will be needed to get the results of Q-Learning "close" to the optimal values? Here is a list of criteria which may be used to decide whether the result of Q-Learning are "in the ballpark", good, or as good as the optimal values:
With NDISKS=2, two goal states, and gamma=0.9, using passive learning (the user drives the agent via the "console", (a) how many episodes are required, at a minimum, to achieve a policy which includes the silver path? (b) how many additional episodes, at a minimum, are required to make the policy switch to following the golden path? With NDISKS=2, one goal state and gamma=0.9, If you use alpha=0.1 and epsilon=0.2 how many episodes of active Q-learning does it take to achieve a policy which matches the optimal policy along the golden path (optimal solution path)? First, using NDISKS=3, one goal state, and gamma=0.9, find a way to make your agent learn, starting with all Q values at 0, a policy that includes the golden path. This may require a large number of transitions and episodes, and custom schedules for controlling alpha and epsilon in the Q-Learning. The learning must be all active, and not involve any user-driven transitions. If you used an exploration function in controlling the exploration/exploitation tradeoff, describe it next. To get 5 points of extra credit, not only implement the exploration function, but decribe the difference it made in how soon (in terms of numbers of episodes and transitions) the agent learned a policy that included the golden path. (You need to compare two runs ... one using the exploration function and one without; at least one of the runs should be finding the policy including the golden path.) When you have achieved this, take a screen shot of the policy and the Q values your agent has learned. Then describe the details of your strategy, beginning with how your agent adjusted the alpha value. Then describe how it adjusted epsilon. Report the number of episodes used and the number of transitions. |
What to Turn In.
For Part A, Turn in your Value Iteration Python file, named with the scheme Also, turn in your slightly modified version of, without changing its name. (The modification this time is that it imports your Value Iterations file. You can leave the import of YourUWNetID_Q_Learn as it is in the starter code for this first submission.) ) For Part B, Turn your Q_Learn Python file, named with the scheme YourUWNetID_Q_Learn, and a version of that imports both of your custom modules (your Value Iteration module and your Q_Learn module.) Also turn in your report, which should be named in the related style: YourUWNetID_A5_report.pdf. Do not turn in any of the other starter code files (,, or the actual "" or ""). |
Updates and Corrections:
Starter code last updated Feb. 23 with bug fixes for those who want to do automatic training until convergence. Previous update: Feb. 19, midnight with addition of an option to show the golden path. Previous update Feb. 19 at 2:45 PM, with a bug fix for the Use-Exploration-Function menu item. Last major release: Feb. 18, 6:15 PM. This release is intended to be feature-complete; any additional releases will be for minor modifications or bug fixes rather than significant new features. In this release you can find new support for comparing policies, state values and Q values between the two forms of processing MDPs (Value Iteration and Q-Learning). There are also bug fixes for some annoying UI issues or sensitivity of orderings of data. Previous major releases: Feb. 15 (fixing a bug with Q-values not updating after transitioning to the Terminal state); Feb. 14, 11:40 PM; spec. last updated Feb. 14, 11:45 PM). If necessary, additional updates and corrections will be posted here and/or mentioned in class, in GoPost, or via the mailing list. |
Feedback Survey
After submitting your Part B files, please answer this survey |