PART I: Creating a Game-Playing Agent (80 points).
Create a program implementing an agent that can participate in a game of Toro-Tile Straight (defined below).
Your program should consist of a single file, with a name of the
form [UWNetID], where [UWNetID] is your own UWNetID.
For example, my file would have for its name.
Although you create one Python file for this assignment, it will contain a
collection of specific functions, for playing games of "Toro-Tile Straight".
We define a Toro-Tile Straight game as a kind of generalized
K-in-a-Row with the following features:
You can see a full
transcript of a sample game here. The two agents that played this game
are very dumb, but they followed the rules. The code for each of these agents is part of
the starter code. You can use this code to organize the required functions, adding to
them to create a good player.
It will be essential that your program use the specified
representation of states, so that it is compatible with all the
other A4 game agents developed in the class. Here is
some code for representing states of the game.
Your program should be designed to anticipate time limits on
moves. There are two aspects to this: (1) use iterative
deepening search, and (2) poll a clock frequently in order to
return a move before time runs out.
In addition to being able to play the game, your program should make an
utterance --- that is, a
comment in each move, as if participating in a dialog. Ideally, your
program would have a well-defined "personality". Some examples of
possible personalities are these: friendly; harmless joker; blunt
joker; paranoid; wisecracker; sage; geek; wimp; competitive freak;
fortune-teller (based on the state of the game). The personality will
be revealed during games via the "utterances" made by the
program. (For more details, see the description of the take_a_turn
function below.)
Your program must include the following functions. You can have helper
functions if you like. Please keep all the functions required by your
player in just one Python file that follows the naming convention
mentioned earlier. For example, my player would be in a file This will facilitate your player's being part of
the class tournament.
get_ready(initial_state, k, what_side_i_play, opponent_moniker).
This function takes four arguments and it should
"remember" these values for the game that is about to be
played. (However, if your agent is in a match with itself
say for testing purposes, this
get_ready method will be called twice. In this case, be careful not to
let the agent assume it is playing 'B' on both turns.)
The first parameter, initial_state, allows your agent to figure out
any needed properties of the game board before the playing begins.
It is a legal game state that can be used by your player, for example,
to determine the dimensions of the board, the locations of forbidden
squares, and even the locations of any handicap items.
The second parameter, k, is the number of pieces in a row (or column
or diagonal) needed to win the game.
The parameter what_side_i_play is 'W' if your agent will play as White; it is
'B' if your agent will play Black.
The parameter opponent_moniker allows your utterance-generation mechanism to refer
to the opponent by name, from time to time, if desired.
Note that your program does not really have to do much at all when its
get_ready method is called. The main thing it should do is return
"OK". However, the get_ready function offers your agent an
opportunity to do any initialization of tables or other structures
without the "clock running."
This is good for setting up for, say, Zobrist hashing, if you are
using that. Another kind of preprocessing would be to make, for each
of the four directions in which a win can occur, a list of all the
squares on the board where such a winning line could actually start.
Having these lists can save time in your static evaluation function.
- who_am_i().
This function will return a multiline string that introduces your
player, giving its full name (you get to make that up), the name and
UWNetID of its creator (you), and some words to describe its
- moniker().
This function should return a short version of the playing agent's
name (16 characters or fewer). This name will be used to identify the
player's moves in game transcripts.
- take_a_turn(current_state, opponents_utterance, time_limit=10000).
This is probably your most important function. It should return a
list of the form [[move, new_state], new_utterance]. The move is a data
item describing the chosen move.
The new_state is the result of making the move from the given
current_state. It must be a complete state and not just a board.
The opponents_utterance argument is a string representing a remark from the
opponent on its last move.
The time_limit represents the number of
millisecondsseconds available for
computing and returning the move.
The new_utterance to be returned must be a string. During a game, the
strings from your agent and its opponent comprise a dialog. Your
agent might contribute to this dialog in three ways:
by convincingly representing the character that you have chosen or designed for your agent,
by showing awareness of the game state and game dynamics (changes in the game state), and
by responding in a convincing way to the opponent's remarks.
- tryout(**keywordargs).
See the file for details on this function. It is important that
you implement this function in a manner consistent with the options you are
handling, such as alpha-beta pruning and/or Zobrist hashing.
Certain basic features of your code may also be tested using this function, and
so you'll want to handle this well, both for testing your own code as you go and
to allow any autograder system to award you as many points as possible.
- static_eval(state).
This function will perform a static evaluation of the given state.
The value returned should be high if the state is good for White and low
if the state is good for Black. See the starter code in
for where to handle the two required versions of this. Here is a description
of these two versions:
- basic_static_eval(self):
This is probably the very first function you should implement.
It must compute the following value accurately (whereas with your
custom function, you'll get to design the function to be computed).
Depending on the game type, there will be a particular value of K,
the number of tiles a player must place in a straight line in order
to win.
Based on the initial state of the game, there is some number T of possible
instances of a line of K tiles that do not involve any forbidden squares.
Your function should return C(White, 2) - C(Black, 2). Here C is a count
of the number of these lines that have exactly this number (here 2) of
the specified color of tiles and are otherwise vacant (not blocked).
Note that if a line of K tiles has exactly 3 White tiles, it should NOT
count in C(White, 2). Keep in mind that each vacant square on the board
is potentially the beginning of 4 different lines of K tiles each, going
in 4 of the 8 allowed directions. (We don't want to consider all 8 directions
because then we would double count lines, once at the beginning of the line
and once at the end.) As stated elsewhere, the lines can wrap around, according
to the toroidal topology of the board space. If the game type happened to be
K = 3 on a 3x3 board with no forbidden squares, then we would have T=36,
because of the nine possible starting squares and the four possible directions,
and your basic_static_eval function would potentially examine each of three
squares (because K=3) 36 times to see how many of them had exactly 2 Whites, and then do all
this again to find out how many of them had exactly 2 Blacks.
(Note: You do not have to implement the function C described above, e.g., for
general K. It was only used
above to explain what your basic_static_eval function needs to compute.)
You can implement the counting however you like. (You might even find an efficient
way to get the answer without so much repeated examination of the same squares
on the board.)
An autograder will be checking to make sure your function comes up with the right
numbers for various given states.
- custom_static_eval(self):
You get to design this function. You'll want it to perform "better" than the
basic function above. Here better could mean any of the following:
(a) more accurate assessment of the value of the board, to better inform
the choice of the best move, (b) faster to compute, or (c) achieving a better
combination of accuracy and efficiency than the basic function.
(It might be less efficient, but a lot more accurate, for example.)
Two motivations for putting some thought into this function are: (i) your
agent's ability to play well depends on this function, and (ii) an autograder
will likely try comparing your function's values on various states, looking for
reasonable changes in value as a function of how good the states are, in terms
of likelihood of a win.
Required and Optional Features
The following features either must be implemented or
may be implemented.
Minimax search (required). The number of ply to use
should be a parameter to this method. You may name
it however you wish, as long as it is obvious what
it is for. Note that in the tryout function,
the max_ply will typically specified for you, and your
program should follow that.
Iterative deepening (required).
Your should create an "anytime" algorithm by finding
a legal move quickly, and then as time permits, finding
better and better moves. When there is no longer enough
time to safely compute a better move, then the best move
found so far should be returned. You will do this by
running your minimax search to deeper and deeper levels.
However, note that in the tryout function, you'll need to
be able to turn the iterative deepening technique on or off,
to support discovering the differences it leads to.
"Interesting" utterances (required). Although this is required,
you may choose either of two options, or, for 5 points of extra credit, do both,
creating utterances each of which contributes both to the distinctive
character of the agent (as in option a) and sensible observations about
the game (as in option b).
Option (a): program your agent in such a way that it reveals a personality
through its utterances. The utterances should not repeat often.
Let us say 10 is the minimum number of turns, before one of these
utterances can be repeated. Here is an example of this type of utterance:
"Although I hate waiting in lines, I'm going to make a nice long one!"
(The personality here is one of a joker.)
Option (b): Each utterance should report on an actual feature of
the state of the game, and you should have either two or three features.
The features should be worked into a reasonably natural-sounding
English remark. The feature could be the static value of the new state,
or its backed-up (via minimax) value. Or it could the length of the longest
line of Ws or Bs on the board and who has it. You are encouraged to make
up your own measurable feature of the board that, when reported in
the utterance, would be an interesting observation about the state
of the game. Here is an example utterance of this type:
"This is not going well for me, since the minimax value of this new
state is -4.7. Furthermore, I see you have a line of 4, whereas
my longest line has only 3."
Alpha-beta pruning (optional for 5 points of extra credit).
In each turn, print out the maximum depth of the
minimax search, the total number of states visited,
followed by the number of cutoffs occuring due to
alpha-beta pruning.
This feature may be autograded, in which case, the move-generation order will
need to controllable: (a) for basic cutoff testing the move order will be pre-specified, and (b)
whereas for testing in a more realistic setting, the move order should be planned to
increase the likelihood of cutoffs, and it is up to you do decide how to do it.
(You could base it on a quick static evaluation, or on something involving Zobrist hashing, etc.)
Zobrist Hashing (optional for 5 points of extra credit).
Implement this in a way that you can easily turn it
on or off.
See the tryout function stup in the
file for what statistics to compute and report related
to Zobrist hashing.
PART II: Game Transcript (20 points).
Follow the directions below to produce a transcript of a match
between your agent and another student's agent.
Using the program to run a Gold Rush match, create
a transcript of a game between your agent and the agent of another
student in the class.
Set up the match so that your agent plays White and your opponent plays
Black. Use the following game instance for your match.
For this run, you
should set a time limit of 1.00 seconds per move.
This can be specified on the command line when you run
Here is
the starter code for this assignment
The following is the representation of the initial board in a TTS game we are calling
"Gold Rush" in which the objective is to get a (connected) line segment of five tiles.
The line may go horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
[[['-',' ',' ','-',' ',' ','-'],
[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '],
[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '],
['-',' ',' ','-',' ',' ','-'],
[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '],
[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '],
['-',' ',' ','-',' ',' ','-']], "W"]
Note that in the following state, White has just won, because there is a
diagonal line of Ws that starts near the lower left corner of
the space, and continues up and to the right, wrapping around twice in
the toroidal space (once from right to left, and once from top to bottom).
With the upper-left square (which happens to be forbidden in this game) at row 0, column 0,
we can describe White's winning line as this sequence of locations:
[(3,5), (2,6), (1,0), (0, 1), (6, 2)]
[[['-','W',' ','-',' ',' ','-'],
['W',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B'],
[' ',' ',' ',' ','B','B','W'],
['-',' ',' ','-',' ','W','-'],
[' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '],
[' ',' ','B',' ',' ' ' ',' '],
['-',' ','W','-',' ',' ','-']], "B"]
It is not required that the line of tiles involve the toroidal wraparound.
Five in a line somewhere near the middle of the board could also win, for example.
However, the wraparound feature can often help to open up many more possibilities for winning.
The timed_tts_game_master program will automatically generate an HTML file containing a formatted game
transcript of your game. Turn in that HTML file.