#!/usr/bin/python3 '''who_and_what.py This runnable file will provide a representation of answers to key questions involved in autograding parts of the assignment. ''' # DO NOT EDIT THE BOILERPLATE PART OF THIS FILE HERE: OPTION_A=1; OPTION_B=2; OPTION_C3=3; OPTION_C2PLUS=4 OPTIONS = ['none', 'A', 'B', 'C.3', 'C.2+'] CATEGORIES=['wicked','uncommon','common'] class Partner(): def __init__(self, lastname, firstname, uwnetid): self.uwnetid=uwnetid self.lastname=lastname self.firstname=firstname def __lt__(self, other): return (self.lastname+","+self.firstname).__lt__(other.lastname+","+other.firstname) def __str__(self): return self.lastname+", "+self.firstname+" ("+self.uwnetid+")" class Problem(): def __init__(self, descriptive_name, category, importable_name): self.descriptive_name=descriptive_name self.category=category if not category in CATEGORIES: raise Exception("Invalid category "+str(category)+" for problem "+descriptive_name+".") self.importable_name=importable_name if importable_name[-3:]==".py": raise Exception("Leave off the '.py' here because 'import "+importable_name+"' won't work.") def __str__(self): return self.descriptive_name+" (category: "+self.category+") -- importable_name: "+\ self.importable_name class Who_and_what(): def __init__(self, team, option, problems): self.team=team self.option=option self.problems=problems def report(self): rpt = 80*"#"+"\n" rpt += '''The Who and What for This Submission Assignment 4 in CSE 415, University of Washington, Spring 2017 Team: ''' team_sorted = sorted(self.team) # Note that the partner whose name comes first alphabetically # must do the turn-in. # The other partner(s) should NOT turn anything in. rpt += " "+ str(team_sorted[0])+" (the partner who must turn in all files in Catalyst)\n" for p in team_sorted[1:]: rpt += " "+str(p) + " (partner who should NOT turn anything in)\n\n" rpt += "Option: "+OPTIONS[self.option]+"\n\n" rpt += "Problems: \n" for pr in self.problems: rpt += " "+str(pr) rpt += "\n\nThe information here indicates that the following\n"+\ "files will need to be submitted:\n" rpt += " "+\ {OPTION_A:"Our-Wicked-Problem",OPTION_B:"Our-Uncommon-Puzzles",\ OPTION_C3:"Our-Common-Puzzles", OPTION_C2PLUS:"Our-Common-Puzzles"}\ [self.option]+".pdf\n" for pr in self.problems: rpt += " "+pr.importable_name+".py\n" rpt += "\n"+80*"#"+"\n" if self.option==1: if len(self.problems)!=1: rpt += ("Your option requires 1 problem, but given was "+str(len(self.problems))+"\n") if self.option==2 or self.option==4: if len(self.problems)!=2: rpt += ("Your option requires 2 problems, but given was "+str(len(self.problems))+"\n") if self.option==3: if len(self.problems)!=3: rpt += ("Your option requires 3 problems, but given was "+str(len(self.problems))+"\n") return rpt # END OF BOILERPLATE. # Change the following to represent your own information: maggie = Partner("Smith", "Margaret", "maggiesmith99") john = Partner("Doe", "John", "jd007") team = [maggie, john] problem1 = Problem("Ending World Poverty", 'wicked', "End_Poverty") # In this case, the Python file for the formulation would be named End_Poverty.py. problems = [problem1] our_submission = Who_and_what([maggie, john], OPTION_A, problems) # Legal options are OPTION_A, OPTION_B, OPTION_C3, or OPTION_C2PLUS # You can run this file from the command line by typing: # python3 who_and_what.py # Running this file by itself should produce a report that seems correct to you. if __name__ == '__main__': print(our_submission.report())