Final Examination |
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence The University of Washington, Seattle, Autumn 2017 |
Date: Monday, December 11 (2:30-4:30PM) |
Format: The format of the final exam will be similar to that of the midterm exam. However, the exam will be longer. The topics covered will be drawn from the following, which includes some topics from the first part of the course and some from the second. |
The Turing Test State-space search States, state spaces, operators, preconditions, moves, Heuristic evaluation functions, Iterative depth-first search, recursive depth-first search, Breadth-first search, best-first search, uniform-cost search, Iterative deepening, A* search. Admissible heuristics Genetic search Application to the traveling Salesman Problem Problem formulation States, operators, goal criteria Rittel and Webber's 10 characteristics of wicked problems Minimax search for 2-player, zero-sum games Static evaluation functions Backed up values Alpha-beta pruning Zobrist hashing Expectimax search Probabilistic reasoning Conditional probability Priors, likelihoods, and posteriors Bayes' rule Odds and conversion between odds and probability Naive Bayes modeling The joint probability distribution Marginal probabilities Independence of random variables Conditional independence Use of conditional independence in Bayes Nets Markov Decision Processes States, actions, transition model, reward function Values, Q-states, and Q-values Bellman updates Policies, policy extraction Reinforcement Learning Model-based vs model-free learning Policy evaluation Temporal difference learning Q-learning Exploration functions for Q-learning Parameters alpha and epsilon used in Q-learning Classification using Naive Bayes classifiers Classification using Naive Bayes Division by P(E) not necessary for classification Laplace smoothing: Adding 1 to counts when estimating P(Ei | Cj): why and how Perceptrons How to compute AND, OR, and NOT. Simple pattern recognition (e.g., 5 x 5 binary image inputs for optical character recognition) Training sets, training sequences, and the perceptron training algorithm. Linear separability and the perceptron training theorem. The meaning of deep convolutional networks The Future of AI Asimov's three laws of robotics, Kurzweil's "singularity" |