Assignment 4: Problem Formulation
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Spring 2016
The reading for this assignment is Applying AI Methodology in Problem Solving.
Due Friday, April 28 through Catalyst CollectIt at 11:59 PM.
Partnership Policy.

This assignment should be done in partnerships. Most partnerships will be teams of two students. In a few cases, teams of three will be permitted (and only in Option C on wicked problems). If necessary, you may work individually, but your requirements will be essentially the same as those for partnerships.

What to Do. Your team will formulate a problem and demonstrate problem solving with that formulation. You may choose a problem from any of the three categories: common puzzles, uncommon puzzles, or wicked problems. The requirements vary from one category to another, due to the relative simplicity of formulating the common puzzles and difficulty of formulating a wicked problem. Thus if you select a common puzzle, you will need to come up with more heuristics and a deeper analysis of them than if you select an uncommon puzzle. If you formulate a wicked problem, however, you don't have to actually solve your problem, but simply demonstrate that the formulation works and captures some essential features of the (wicked) problem. Note also that extra credit is available in options B and C, but not A; this is explained later.
The formulation must be in the same format as in Assignment 3, and must be compatible with the A3 starter code. Further details are given further down in this page.

Fill out the online questionnaire about your team and chosen option and problem by Friday night at 11:45 PM.

Option A: Common Puzzles. One of the following:
  1. Peg solitare. (See http:// Select either the English version or the European version.
  2. Sudoku. (Develop a general solver, but provide some specific example puzzles yourselves.)
  3. Rubik's Cube
  4. Pentominos. (goal is to fill a 6 by 10 board.)
  5. Mazes. (If you choose this option, your team should write, in addition to the formulation for solving and the heuristics, an instance generator that, given the dimensions N and M and a random seed R, comes up with a new, solvable maze; your maze generator should use the algorithm presented in CSE 373 that uses the Disjoint Sets (UNION/FIND) abstract data type to keep track of the sets of connected cells of the maze.)
Option B: Uncommon Puzzles.
Choose a type of puzzle from the collection at ... You may also consider puzzles from the websites linked from that page (under "Other Puzzle Collections").
Do NOT use any of the above-mentioned common puzzles or puzzles that you have already studied. (And no 15 Puzzles -- they are almost the same as the 8 puzzle.) If in doubt, get an OK from the instructor.
Guidelines for Options A and B.
Create a formulation file. It should include:
  1. One or more alternative initial states. Provide a function CREATE_INITIAL_STATE or alternative versions of such a function. For example, if you are doing Option A and mazes, you might define one version of your function this way:
      return Maze(8, 15, 0) # Assumes your maze generator is defined as a class within COMMON_CODE.
  2. GOAL_TEST(s).
  3. OPERATORS: A list of operators sufficient to solve any solvable instance of the problem.
  4. Include at least one heuristic evaluation function. It should be an admissible heuristic that is not zero. If you are doing Option A, then include at least two different heuristic evaluation functions and a means to specify one or the other in each run.
  5. Make this formulation work with: ItrDFS, BreadthFS, and AStar.
  6. Create a function that can display a state of the puzzle in some easy-to-read way, possibly using "ASCII art." Here's an example for the Eight puzzle:
    def render_state(s):
      txt = "\n"
      for i in range(3):
          for j in range(3):
            txt += str(TILE_NAMES[s[i*3 + j]])+' '
          txt += "\n"
      return txt

Testing Requirements for Options A and B. If you are doing either Option A or B, your main file should not immediately crash when imported by the Assignment 3 starter code program However, you do not need to turn in anything to demonstrate that compatibility.

Provide a test run that shows a solution found by either or using your formulation.

If you are doing Option A, develop tests that show the relative performance of Breadth-First Search, A* with heuristic 1, and A* with heuristic 2. If you wish, you can use two separate graphs, one comparing Breadth-First Search and A* with one heuristic, and another comparing just the two versions of A*. Each graph should be created with examples that help the reader understand the differences in performance from the heuristics. Your heuristics themselves should use different insights about the problem, and they should not be closely related, such as one being some constant multiple of the other.

If you are doing Option B, then you only need to compare Breadth-First Search with A* using one heuristic function.

In your report file, describe your approach to formulating the problem. Describe the intuition behind each heuristic function for A*, and finally explain, as best you can, why one of the heuristics is performing better than the other (if that is true).

Option C: Wicked Problems.
Identify some wicked problem that your team will "tame" by creating a formulation of it. Your formulation should involve each of the steps shown on Slide 25 (and Slides 26, 27, and 28) of the April 15-18 lecture slides.

You may select some problem you feel is a wicked problem and use that, but if in any doubt, get clearance from the instructor, either via email or through the web questionnaire on Friday (April 24).

Before formulating your problem, explain why it fits the criteria of Rittel and Webber for being a wicked problem.

Here are a few sample wicked problems to help you come up with your own.

  1. Designing a plan to deal with the Zika virus (A possible resource is here)
  2. Fixing world poverty
  3. Design of buildings for environmental sustainability
  4. Finding a cure for cancer
  5. Avoiding another world war
  6. Cleaning the detritus in space in near-earth orbit
  7. Fixing California's water problem
  8. Designing a website for the United Nations
  9. Saving fish stocks from overfishing or even extinction
  10. Creating a secure and safe Internet
After you have formulated your wicked problem (or along with it), do the following.
  • Create an evaluation function Q(s) that maps each state of your state space to a non-negative real number that represents how good that state is in relation to the goal criteria. Explain what Q(s) measures or computes and give some examples of states and their Q values.
  • Demonstrate that your problem formulation works by showing some alternative candidate solutions and the derivations (operators and state sequences) that produce them. At the very least, each operator should be demonstrated by giving "before-and-after" state pairs with an explanation of what has changed.
  • Write a summary that explains what you attempted to capture in your problem formulation, and the extent to which you believe you were successful.
You do not have to create any admissible heuristic functions if you are doing this wicked problem option, and you do not need to do a performance analysis.
Extra Credit: Depending on which option you are doing, you may be eligible for extra credit: Option A: no extra credit; Option B: 5 points of extra credit for a clean and thorough job done on an uncommon puzzle or problem; Option C: 10 points of extra credit for a clean and thoughtful working formulation of one of the wicked problems. Awarding of this extra credit will be at the discretion of the instructional team.
What to Turn In

Python Files: Your Python files should begin with a multiline string that gives, on the first line, your names, and on the next lines: the problem being formulated, and the status of the program represented by the file.
Textual Report File: Also turn in a text file, report.txt or report.pdf, that gives the answers and explanations required by your problem option. The text file should also begin with your names and give the same information as to what problem is being formulated. Then it should identify by name the main Python file. Other Python files might then contain examples, or modules to be imported by your main Python file.

Include in your report a section called "Retrospective" that explains (a) what each team member contributed to the partnership's work, and (b) in each team member's own words, what he or she learned by doing this assignment.

Updates and Corrections

If necessary, updates and corrections will be posted here and/or mentioned in class or on GoPost.

Feedback Survey

After submitting your solution, please answer this survey