CSE 415 Tentative Day by Day Schedule (Autumn 2011)

(This schedule is subject to change.)    Revised: 6-October-2011
Week # Monday Wednesday  Friday
1 Sept 26: no class Sept 28 Introduction. What is intelligence? Turing test. lecture pdf Sept 30: A Python Primer. lecture pdf
2 Oct 3: Python hands-on, plus knowledge representation with inheritance hierarchies. lecture pdf [Meet in MGH 044] Oct 5: State-space search 1. Missionaries and Cannibals. States, state-spaces, and operators. Blind search. lecture pdf Oct 7: State-Space Search 2: Problem posing issues. (Assignment 1 due at 2:00 PM.) lecture pdf
3 Oct 10: Constraints. lecture pdf (topic postponed) Oct 12: Game Playing 1: Minimaxing, alpha-beta pruning. lecture pdf Oct 14: Game Playing 2: Checkers, Chess, Zobrist hashing. (Assignment 2 due at 2:00 PM.) lecture pdf
4 Oct 17: State-Space Search 3: Graph search, Uniform Cost search, A*, admissible heuristics lecture pdf Oct 19: Genetic Search, TSP. Oct 21: Search Strategies: Hill climbing, simulated annealing, case-based reasoning. (Assignment 3 due at 2:00 PM.) lecture pdf
5 Oct 24: AI Architectures: SOAR, CoSolve (topic postponed) Oct 26: Logic 1: Propositional calculus. lecture pdf Oct 28: Logic 2: Propositional resolution, forward and backward chaining. (Assignment 4. due at 2:00 PM.)
6 Oct 31: Logic 3: Predicate calclus. lecture pdf Nov 2: Logic 4: Encoding knowledge into logic. lecture pdf Nov 4: Logic 5: PROLOG basics. lecture pdf
7 Nov 7: Logic 6: Applying PROLOG. (Assignment 5 due at 2:00 PM.) Nov 9: Demos and practice quiz, plus probabilistic reasoning 1: axioms, counting, odds. [Meet in MGH 044] Nov 11: Veterans Day Holiday (No class)
8 Nov 14: Midterm exam. Nov 16: Probabilistic inference with Bayes' Rule. lecture pdf Nov 18: Probabilistic inference, continued
9 Nov 21: Joint distribution, conditional probability, marginals. (Assignment 6 due at 2:00 PM.) lecture pdf Nov 23: Machine Learning 1: Introduction. Perceptrons. lecture pdf Nov 25: Thanksgiving holiday
10 Nov 28: Machine Learning 2: Backprop + ID3 method. lecture pdf Nov 30: Natural language understanding 1. lecture pdf Dec 2: Natural language understanding 2.
11 Dec 5: Project 2 presentations. (Project preliminary code due at 2:00 PM.) [Meet in MGH 044] Dec 7: Project 2 presentations. [Meet in MGH 044] Dec 9: The Future of AI. ( Optional K-in-a-Row team agents - code, sample transcript, documentation - due Dec. 10 at 2:00; Project reports and final code due Dec. 14 at 11:45 PM.) lecture pdf
Dec 13 (Tuesday): FINAL EXAMINATION 2:30 PM - 4:20