Final Examination |
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence The University of Washington, Seattle, Autumn 2011 |
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Date: Tuesday, December 13 (2:30-4:30PM) |
Format: The first part of the final exam will be similar in format to the midterm exam. The second part of the final exam will consist of a small number of questions to which you will write out the answers. The topics covered will be drawn from the following, which includes some topics from the first part of the course and some from the second. |
The Turing Test Python Data Structures Dictionaries (hashes): creating, accessing, iterating over Lists: creating, accessing (including slices), copying, deep vs shallow copying State-space search States, state spaces, operators, preconditions, moves, Heuristic evaluation functions, Iterative depth-first search, recursive depth-first search, Breadth-first search, best-first search, uniform-cost search, Iterative deepening, A* search. Admissibility of A*. Minimax search for 2-player, zero-sum games Static evaluation functions Backed up values Alpha-beta pruning Zobrist hashing Predicate logic Interpretations, satisfiability, consistency, models Resolution Horn clauses PROLOG syntax (Note that predicate logic includes the propositional calculus) Probabilistic reasoning Bayes' rule Odds and conversion between odds and probability Neccessity and sufficiency factors (lambda and lambda prime) The joint probability distribution Marginal probabilities Bayes nets Perceptrons How to compute AND, OR, and NOT. Simple pattern recognition (e.g., 5 x 5 binary image inputs for optical character recognition) Training sets, training sequences, and the perceptron training algorithm. Linear separability and the perceptron training theorem. ID3 Decision Tree Learning Training sets, attributes, values, classes (categories) Entropy corresponding to a bag of elements Greedy construction of the tree Natural Language Understanding Grammars, nonterminals, terminals, productions Sentential forms, derivations, the language specified by a grammar Case frames Controlled language, semantic grammar Robotics Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics The Future of AI Kurzweil's "singularity" |
Sample problems: Here are sample multiple-choice problems for 2nd-half-of-the-quarter topics. Click here for solutions. |