Assignment 4: Simple Game-Playing |
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence The University of Washington, Seattle, Autumn 2011 |
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This assignment builds on Assignment 3 and has the same associated reading:
Chapter 5 (Search) of
Introduction to
Artificial Intelligence Using Python.
Due Friday, October 28 through
Catalyst CollectIt
at 2:00 PM.
In this assignment we expand upon the game of Tic-Tac-Toe to a more interesting generalization of it: "K-in-Row with Forbidden Squares." At the same time, we put our agents into more serious competition, adding lookahead (with the Minimax technique) and pruning (with the alpha-beta method) to the search. In addition, we add an element of fun and creativity that could serve as an opportunity to beat the Turing Test; this takes place via a more elaborate version of the "utterance feature" introduced in Assignment 3. The assignment has two parts: creating your agent and engaging your agent in a first round of competition play.
You should turn in either 3 or 4 files (depending upon whether or not you are doing the extra-credit items in Part II): (1) a file that contains your Alpha-Beta search implementation for Part I,
(3) a file
with your game playing agent described in Part II, and
(2) a file
that provides a transcript of your agent playing against that
of another classmate, described in Part III.
If you are doing the extra credit items in Part II, then also turn in your file ExtraCredit.txt that explains
those special features of your agent.
PART I: Basic Alpha-Beta Pruning Exercise (20 points).
For this exercise, you will implement a minimax function with alpha beta pruning. In order to focus on that algorithm, we will use a very limited search space with a pre-defined static evaluation function. You can find pseudocode for the Alpha-Beta search algorithm on wikipedia. Our search space for this algorithm is a pre-defined 31-node perfect binary tree. Normally, in game playing, the states of the search must be created by the program, but in this exercise, they are provided in advance. Because the tree is small, we can ignore Minimax (and Alpha-Beta) search's depth parameter for now. You will want to put it back in for your KinaRowPlayer implementation in Part II. The algorithm has a condition "if ... node is a terminal node...." The tree will be implemented here as a 32 element array. We ignore the first element to make the arithmetic simpler, and then identify each node by its index in the array. Node one is at index 1. By "terminal node" we mean a leaf of this given search tree. The terminal nodes in our tree are nodes 16 to 31, located at indices 16 through 31. The test we need is very simple. The predicate isTerminal(node) will be true if 16 =< node <= 31.
The algorithm requires that we get a the "static value" of terminal nodes.
For this exercise, we will take as input a 16 element array that gives the
static values for the bottom row of the 31 element tree. These are the leaf nodes
as shown in the illustration.
[None, (2, inf, 2), (-inf, 2, 2), (2, 2, 2), (4, inf, 4), (2, 4, 2), (2, inf, 2), None, (-inf, -8, -8), (-8, 4, 4), (-inf, 2, 2), (2, -3, -3), (2, -6, -6), (2, 1, 1), None, None, (-inf, inf, -4), (-inf, -4, -8), (-8, inf, 5), (-8, 5, 4), (-inf, 4, 3), (-inf, 3, 2), (2, 4, -3), None, (2, inf, 7), (2, 7, -6), (2, inf, 1), None, None, None, None, None]Here -inf serves as a representation for negative infinity, and inf serves as a representation for positive infinity. A template file is available, giving the utility functions so all you have to do is implement minimaxAB().
To test your code, we will call
getMiniMaxAB() with various values for the leaf nodes, such as
PART II: Creating a K-In-A-Row Player (60 points).
Create a program implementing an agent that can participate in a game of K-in-a-Row with Forbidden Squares (defined below). Your program should consist of a single file, with a name of the form [UWNetID], where [UWNetID] is your own UWNetID. For example, my file would have for its name. In this part, you will create a program -- consisting mainly of a collection of specific functions, for playing games of "K in a Row". We define a K in a Row game as a kind of generalized Tic-Tac-Toe with the following features: (a) Just as in Tic-Tac-Toe, there are two players: one plays X and the other plays O; (b) the board is rectangular, but is not necessarily 3 by 3; it is mRows by nColumns, where these numbers are chosen by the referee at the beginning of the game; (c) a player wins by getting K in a row, where K is not necessarily 3; K can be any integer greater than 1 and less than or equal to the maximum of mRows and nColumns; (d) there can be "forbidden squares" on the board; these are chosen at the beginning of the game by the "referee"; a square on the board that is available is represented by a zero, whereas a forbidden square is represented by a number 3; (e) there can be "handicaps" in the initial state, meaning that some X and/or O tokens can be set up on the board by the referee in order either shape the succeeding play or change the balance of advantage and disadvantage to the players. In addition to being able to play the game, your program should have a well-defined "personality". Some examples of possible personalities are these: friendly; harmless joker; blunt joker; paranoid; wisecracker; sage; geek; wimp; competitive freak; fortune-teller (based on the state of the game). The personality will be revealed during games via the "utterances" made by the program. (For more details, see the description of the makeMove function below.) Your program must include the following functions. You can have helper functions if you like. Please keep all the functions required by your player in just one Python file that follows the naming convention mentioned earlier. For example, my player would be in a file This will facilitate your player's being part of the class tournament.
Representations of moves and states: [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], True]Here 0=blank (vacant), 1='X', 2='O', and 3='-' (forbidden). You can ignore the case of a forbidden square in this part of the assignment.
Testing: |
PART III: Game Transcript (20 points).
Using the program to run a match, create a transcript of a game between
your agent and the agent of another student in the class.
Use the following game instance for your match.
The following is the representation of the initial board in a KinARow game called "5 in a Row on 7-by-7 board with Corners Forbidden". [[3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3]]Here 0=blank (vacant), 1='X', 2='O', and 3='-' (forbidden). For the complete initial state, wrap this in an outer list that includes the boolean value True, indicating that it is X's move: [initialBoard, True]. |
Updates and Corrections If necessary, updates and corrections will be posted here and mentioned in class or on the mailing list. This page was last updated Oct. 24, 2011 (with an explanation of what the triples represent in Part I). |