CSE 415 Tentative Day by Day Schedule (Winter 2007)

(This schedule is subject to change.)    Revised: 5-Feb-2007
Week # Monday Wednesday  Friday
1 Jan 1: (New Years Day -- no class) Jan 3: Lecture (in SAV 216). Course introduction, definition of intelligence, Turing Test. Assignment 1 given out. Jan 5: Lab (in MGH 030). Introduction to Python; interaction; function definition and calling; lists;
2 Jan 8: Lecture (in SAV 216). Python functions; recursive functions on lists; lambda expressions; mapping; string operations. Example: ISA Hierarchies. Jan 10: Lecture (in SAV 216). Pattern-driven processing. Production systems; list matching; regular expressions; application to dialog systems -- the SHRINK. Reasoning with ISA Hierarchies. Jan 12: Lab (in MGH 030). Simple Reasoning. Assignment 1 due. Assignment 2 given out.
3 Jan 15: Martin Luther King Holiday (no class) Jan 17: Lecture (in SAV 216). Introduction to State-space search Jan 19: Lab (in MGH 030). Dialog Systems. Assignment 2 due.
4 Jan 22: Lecture (in SAV 216). Introduction to vision: illusions; sampling and quantization, histograms, thresholding, the Hough transform. Assignment 3 given out. Jan 24: Lecture (in SAV 216). Image understanding: edge detection, segmentation into regions; morphology. Jan 26: Lab (in MGH 030). Sampling, histograms, thresholding and morphology.
5 Jan 29: Lecture (in SAV 216). Propositional logic, modus ponens, perfect induction, and Wang's algorithm. Assignment 3 due. Assignment 4 given out. Jan 31: Lecture (in SAV 216). Predicate Logic. Definitions. Horn-clause resolution Feb 2: Lab (in MGH 030). Horn-clause programming.
6 Feb 5: Lecture (in SAV 216). Unification and Predicate Calculus Resolution. Assignment 4 due. Feb 7: Lecture (in SAV 216). Probabilistic inference with Bayes' rule. Feb 9: Lab (in MGH 030). Basics of Two-person, zero-sum game playing, Othello.
7 Feb 12: Lecture (in SAV 216). Bayes' networks. Feb 14: Lecture (in SAV 216). Alpha-beta search with Tic-Tac-Toe. Checkers and Chess. A* Search. Feb 16: Lab (in MGH 030). Midterm exam.
8 Feb 19: Presidents Day Holiday (no class) Feb 21: Lecture (in SAV 216). Neural networks: perceptrons, backpropagation. Feb 23: Lab (in MGH 030). Bayes Net Construction.
9 Feb 26: Lecture (in SAV 216). Natural language understanding: context-free grammars and parsing. Semantic grammars and Semantics: Case frames. Feb 28: Lecture (in SAV 216). Augmented transition networks and the STONE WORLD program. Mar 2: Lab (in MGH 030). Project development.
10 Mar 5: Lecture (in SAV 216). Big issues and the future of AI: common sense, ontologies, dangers of AI, Asimov's rules of robotics, hopes for AI. Mar 7: Lecture (in SAV 216). Applications of AI. Mar 9: Lab (in MGH 030). Demonstrations
Mar 15 (Thursday): FINAL EXAMINATION 8:30-10:20