CSE 415 Final Exam Topics
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2007
The final exam will be fairly comprehensive. It will cover much of the same material listed for the midterm, and it will also cover topics presented later. Note: It will not specifically cover Python, even though Python was covered by the midterm exam. If the final asks you to describe an algorithm, you may use either Python or pseudocode to describe it.

Additional topics after the midterm exam:
  minimax search with alpha-beta pruning.

  Probabilistic reasoning:
    Applying conditional probability
    Bayes' Rule
    Conditional independence in Bayes Nets

  Natural language understanding:
    Levels of processing (acoustic, phonetic, lexical, etc.)
    Context-free grammars, languages defined by grammars,
      derivations, parsing.
    Case frames
    Semantic grammars
    Augmented transition nets

  Neural nets:
    Perceptron training sequences, linear separability

  Asimov's three laws of robotics.