Perform an A* search by hand on the first data set for Hw 2.
Continue the hill-climbing search for the blocks world problem
we started in class (Slide 12 of InformedSearch2) as follows.
The first 2 children of the root have h = 2, while the others
have h = 3. Since this is a min-search, the first 2 are tied for best.
Suppose first that the leftmost state (on(R,Table), on(B,Table), on(G,Table))
is the one that is selected.
Expand it further till you get to a goal using steepest-ascent hill
climbing. How many steps does it take to reach the goal?
Then consider the second state (On(R,B), on(B,TABLE)). Check out
what happens with this one. You won't have to generate every state
to see what will happen. What does this tell you about hill-climbing?