CSE 415 Final Exam Topics
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2005
The final exam will be fairly comprehensive. It will cover much of the same material listed for the midterm, and it will also cover topics presented later. Note: It will not specifically cover Python, even though Python was covered by the midterm exam. If the final asks you to describe an algorithm, you may use either Python or pseudocode to describe it.

State-space search:

  state spaces; states, operators, and moves; 
  edge costs; shortest paths; 
  heuristic evaluation functions;
  recursive depth-first search;
  iterative depth-first search;
  breadth-first search;
  iterative-deepening depth-first search;
  uniform-cost search;
  best-first search; 
  A* search; 
  genetic search; 
  minimax search with alpha-beta pruning.

Predicate logic:

  predicates, terms, variables, constants,
  function symbols, quantifiers, well-formed formulas; 
  proof by perfect induction (truth tables);
  clause form; atomic formulas, literals, clauses,
  Horn clauses; substitutions, unifiers, most-general unifiers;
  Skolem constants;
  proofs by resolution in the predicate calculus.

Bayes rule.


  terminal and non-terminal symbols, start symbol,
  productions, sentential forms, derivation, parsing;
  augmented transition networks.

Image understanding:

  sampling and quantization; thresholding;
  valley method for threshold selection;
  edge detection with Roberts cross operator;
  Hough transform for line detection,
  polar representation of a line;
  formal definition of segmentation into regions;
  Guzman labeling of line drawings of blocks-world scenes.

Asimov's three laws of robotics.
Here is a sample final based on one given in a previous offering of this course.