Assignment 4: Alpha-Beta Search | |
CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2005 | |
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Create a program that plays the game of Checkers.
Your program must implement an interface described below.
Due Friday, February 11, one hour before the beginning of lab. Turn in your source code by 11:30 using the turnin server. | |
Playing Checkers (100 points)
Implement a function makeMove(board, whoseMove, maxPly) that computes three things and returns them in a list of the form [newBoard, stringComment, stringStats]. The parameters to makeMove have the following significance:
The stringStats string should be a brief report on technical aspects of the search for a good move. It should contain the number of board positions evaluated, the number of alpha cutoffs found, the number of beta cutoffs found, and the number of milliseconds (wall time) that were consumed during the search. | |
Implement a function introduce() that returns a string that explains what the full name of the checkers-playing agent is, and some information about who wrote it (name and UWNetID). | |
Implement a function nickname() that returns a string representing the short version of the agent's name. | |
Implement a function staticValue(board) that takes a board and returns a number representing the static value of that board. If this position is favorable for black, the number should be positive, and if it is favorable for red, the number should be negative. This function should be the same one used to evaluate leaf nodes during the search made by your makeMove function. | |
Implement a function capabilities() that returns an
integer that explains the capabilities of your Checkers-playing agent,
according to the following scheme.
0 makeMove function does not work or works only to a very limited extent. 1 can make ordinary man moves but cannot jump or use kings. 2 plays Checkers games that do not involve kings 3 plays Checkers (including King moves) but does not implement the timeLimit parameter. 4 plays Checkers and implements the timeLimit parameter (i.e., is ready for the bonus competition). | |
GUI (Optional, for 10 additional points)
Implement a web-based variation of your program that displays a web page with the starting board on it and contains a means for a user to specify a move and to submit the move. The program should respond to each submission by making its move and displaying the new board position, the string comment, and the statistics. The user should be able to carry on an entire game with your program. You may use HTML forms, any GIF images you like, and, if you know Javascript, you may use that to help build the interface. You should deploy your program on the web using the UW student server. Turn in a URL to the page with the rest of your turned in materials. | |
timeLimit parameter (Optional, for 5 additional points)
Modify your makeMove function so that it can take an optional fourth parameter, timeLimit. Then, if this parameter is used in a call to makeMove, it specifies the maximum number of milliseconds the program may use to determine its move. In order for this to work, you will need to use a technique such as iterative-deepening depth-first search and monitor the time being consumed by the search as it goes. You will also need to determine how much time to allow for computing the string comment and reporting the statistics; however, these are unlikely to require much time unless you are computing them in some unusual way. | |
Competition Bonuses: Although all working programs will be represented in a matrix of face-offs, programs that implement the timeLimit parameter will be allowed to compete for bonus points. If your program comes out in the top 50 percent among contenders in the bonus competition, you'll win an additional 5 points, and the overall winner will receive 5 more bonus points. | |
Coding Requirements: Except for possible extra files involved in the GUI option, all your functions should be implemented in one file. The name of the file must be the same as your UWNetID, and the extension must be the .py Python extension. | |
Questions and answers.:
Question: What board orientation should we assume for the
board representation given?
Question: How do I indicate that a game is finished?
Question: What does the maxPly parameter mean my program has to do? |