CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2005
Regular Meetings: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
12:30-1:20, as follows:
- Mondays in EE1 room 045
- Wednesdays in EE1 room 045
- Fridays in MGH room 044
Instructor: Steve
Tanimoto (Office Hours: MF 2:30-3:20 in CSE 638, except, Feb 25).
Teaching Assistant:
Bill Pentney
(Office Hours: Tues 11:00-12:00 in CSE 218).
Welcome to CSE 415! This quarter, for the first time, CSE 415
will be taught using the Python programming language. Python
has been gaining popularity for a variety of different kinds
of programming, including artificial intelligence programming.
Many programmers like its simple syntax based in part on
indentation rather than the use of parentheses. Like the
traditional AI language Lisp, Python provides good support
for list processing, functional programming,
automatic memory management, and interactive
development. High-quality Python tools are freely available on the World
Wide Web. Students taking CSE 415 do not need to have any prior
experience with Python. The course will cover the essentials
of Python during the first week.
On Monday, January 24, all members of the class are invited to a showing
of the movie "AI". Depending on how many people actually sign up,
we may have room for your guests, if you wish to bring guests.
The room holds about 10-15 people. It will be in Sieg 322 at 7:30 PM.
(This was rescheduled, due to technical problems on January 10.)
For anyone who wants to work on finishing the lab exercises,
here is an online copy of the lab document
"Function Factory"
The sample Python programs used in the
text are available online to students in the course.
The answers to the in-class activity on Pattern Matching and
Production Systems are available
Chapter 4 of the text is available
Chapter 5 of the text is available
Chapter 6 of the text is available
We will be giving extra credit on Assignment 2 to everyone who
successfully gets their agent working with most of the others in
the online "face-offs". However, until we resolve a little problem
of Python version inconsistencies, the deadline is being extended.
We are now aiming for Feb. 11 as the deadline for this, but it
could slip again. The problem is that we are all developing our
agents under Python 2.4, but Homer runs version 2.2 at the moment.
We have requested that they upgrade to 2.4 and we are waiting on their
A short excerpt from Chapter 6, on the subject of propositional
calculus resolution is available now at
this location.
Feb. 14. As announced in class today, we will accept late
checkers programs until Wednesday, Feb. 16, with a reduced late
penalty, so if you haven't got yours done and turned in, here's
another chance to get some points for this assignment. Note that
partial credit is available for a version of the program without
kings, which simplifies the move generation a lot.
We'll make the Wednesday turn-in deadline 11:59 PM.
Also, if you wish to update your program with a more complete
set of features than you turned in last Friday, you can do that
and get some additional credit by turning in the updated program
by this new deadline.
Feb. 14. Reading material for today's lecture is available in Chapter 6
(Part 4) of the notes, now online.
Feb. 18.
uses two Python files. Here are links to them.
Also, here is the diagram showing the
the Augumented Transition Network.
The project planning form is due in class on Wednesday, March 2.
If you didn't pick up a copy on Monday in class, here is
an online copy.