CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2004
Each student enrolled in CSE 415 will participate in a project. With a few exceptions, projects will be done by teams of two or three. This is an opportunity to choose one of the application areas of AI and get into it in depth. Here are the guidelines:
  • Create an "intelligent agent" that demonstrates one of the techniques from chapters 7-14 of the text.
  • Implement the agent in Common Lisp.
  • The interface should be conversational. Normally this would be done along the lines of the interfaces used by LINNEUS and Stone World programs (and possibly the SHRINK) in the text.

  • By March 1, come up with an idea for a possible project, and share it with partners.
  • By March 3, select the group's topic, identify work to be done by each teammate, and turn in a sample scenario (simulated session with your agent). Use the form handed out in class on Monday.
  • By Wednesday, March 10, create a prototype of your program and get it running so that you can demonstrate it in class. We will meet in MGH 044 where you will have the use of a PC to demo your agent.
  • By Monday, March 15 at 2:30 PM, turn in your project report. The report should be an electronic document (either raw ASCII text, MS Word file, or a PDF file). The key elements of your report include: Title of project, names and roles of each teammate, what the agent is supposed to do, technique used and brief description (half a page) of how that technique works -- if you use multiple AI techniques then describe each one but with somewhat less detail for each one, TRANSCRIPT OF AN INTERESTING SAMPLE SESSION, brief demo instructions, code excerpt showing some interesting part(s) of your LISP code and some explanation of it, brief description of what each team member learned in this project, what you would like to add to your agent if you had more time, and citations for any references you used in the project. As an "appendix" to the project, provide full source code for your agent.