The Final Exam will cover

1. The material listed for Quiz 1.
2. The material listed for Quiz 2.
3. The following topics covered since Quiz 2:

a. Genetic search.
b. Bayes' rule.
c. Case-based problem solving as a type of state-space-search.
   distance metrics for problem matching.
d. Formal context-free grammars, sentential forms, ambiguity,
   Augmented transition nets.
e. Image sampling and quantization, 
   Hough transform, Guzman labelling.
f. Perceptron neural model, training sequences and training algorithm,
   linear separability.

Here is a sample final exam. This is based on a previous year's offering of CSE 415 and does not necessarily correspond directly to the scope or style of this year's examination. However, it may be helpful when studying.

Answers for the multiple choice questions on the sample final are here.