Some solutions for Assignment 5 paper-and-pencil exercises. -- S. Tanimoto Chapter 6 problems: 10. The problem about the maid and the butler. (a) MSJ: The maid stole the jewelry BG: The butler was guilty MMC: The maid milked the cows BGC: The butler got his cream MSJ -> ~ BG MSJ V MMC MMC -> BGC BG -> BGC (b) ~(BG -> BGC) ~(~BG V BGC) BG ^ ~BGC Two clauses: BG, ~BGC (c) Premises and negation of conclusion, in clause form: P1: ~MSJ V ~BG P2: MSJ V MMC P3: ~MMC V BGC P4: BG P5: ~BGC Proof: P6: P1 & P4: ~MSJ P7: P2 & P6: MMC P8: P3 & P7: BGC P9: P5 & P8: [] QED 13. (a) { b/x, a/y } (b) not unifiable (c) { g(z)/y, f(g(z))/x } (d) not unifiable (e) not unifiable 14. The premises: Forall x S(x) -> L(x) ~(exists x)(~S(x)) Conclusion: Forall x L(x) In clause form: P1: ~S(x) V L(x) P2: S(x) Neg. of conclusion (exists x) ~L(x) In clause form: P3: ~L(a) Here the symbol a is a skolem constant. Resolution: P4: P1 & P2 with unifier { }: L(x) P5: P3 & P4 with unifier { a/x }: [] QED 15. P1: (Forall x) (H(x) ^ K(x)) -> M(x) P2: (Forall y) C(y) -> H(y) P3: (Forall z) C(z) -> K(z) C: (Forall w) C(w) -> M(w) Negation of conclusion: ~((Forall w) C(w) -> M(w)) Clause form: P1: ~H(x) V ~K(x) V M(x) P2: ~C(y) V H(y) P3: ~C(z) V K(z) ~C: Exists w ~(C(w) -> M(w)) Exists w ~(~C(w) V M(w)) Exists w C(w) ^ ~M(w) C(a) ^ ~M(a) P4: C(a) P5: ~M(a) Proof: P6: P1 & P2 with unifier { y/x }: ~C(y) V ~K(y) V M(y) P7: P4 & P6 with unifier { a/y }: ~K(a) V M(a) P8: P5 & P7 with unifier { }: ~K(a) P9: P3 & P8 with unifier { a/z }: ~C(a) P10: P4 & P9 with unifier { }: [] QED Chapter 5, problem 2. (a) There are four distinct pieces, and each piece has no symmetries. Therefore all four rotations of pieces by multiples of 90 degrees will lead to distinct orientations. Let's give counts for the number of states involving 0 pieces, 1 piece, 2 pieces, 3 pieces and 4 pieces. 0 pieces: There is only one state, corresponding to the empty board. 1 piece: There are 4 places to put the piece, 4 pieces to choose from, and 4 orientations, or 64 different states. 2 pieces: There are 4 places to put the first piece and 4 pieces to choose from as well as 4 orientations for that piece. Then there are 3 remaining places to put the second piece and 3 pieces to choose from with 4 different orientations. This seems to be 64 * 36 states, but we have actually counted each one twice, since there should be no distinction between the first and second pieces placed. So the actual number of 2-piece states is 64 * 18 = 1152. 3 pieces: There are 4 ways to choose the empty square, then 4 * 4 possibilities to select and orient the first piece, and then 3 * 4 ways to select and orient the second piece, and then 2 * 4 ways to select and orient the third piece. 4 * 4 * 4 * 3 * 4 * 2 * 4 = 6144. 4 pieces: There are no squares to leave blank. We have 4! ways to order the pieces and 4 orientations for each of 4! * 4^4 or 24 * 256 = 6144. The total number of states is therefore: 1 + 1152 + 6144 + 6144 = 13441. (b) This is the maximum number of states. If all four squares are identical and have only one pattern (e.g., dots) on all four sides, then the choices of pieces and the orientations become irrelevant. The only way left to differentiate states are according to which places are taken on the board. The numbers of possibilities for 0 pieces, 1 piece, etc. are: 1, 4, 6, 4, 1 for a total of 16 states. (c) Allowing flipping will increase the number of orientations from 4 to 8. This results in a number of states equal to 1 + 128 + 4608 + 12288 + 98308 = 115329 (d) Here are the quadraminos and the number of distinct orientations for each one. The total number of distinct boards is then 19. This increases the number of states by a factor of 19 for a total of 2,191,251. x x xxxx xxx xx xx xx x x x xx Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 2 8 4 4 1 3. The maximum distance is 4. There is one link in the path for each piece placement. To compute the shortest path, we consider only correct placements.