Using Lisp as a CGI Processor on
This page explains how to use Gnu Common Lisp
(gcl) to implement online conversational agents
There are several things you need to know
Accessing your account on our web server:
In order to use the CGI facilities described here you will need a computer
account on a web server that has GCL (Gnu Common Lisp) installed.
One such web server is
If you have an account on Cubist, log in using your CSE kerberos password.
Installing an html page and testing it.
Try creating an ordinary web page with a filename such as index.html and
put it in your www directory. Use a web browser on some other machine
and see if you can access the page. If your user name is joey, then
the URL would be
Installing a CGI script and testing it.
The next thing to try is installing a simple Lisp program that begins with
the line:
#! /usr/local/bin/gcl.exe -f
and that prints out the correct HTTP header
info before anything else. It's the description of the type of content,
followed by two newline characters. To keep life simple, just use
the following line of Lisp:
(format t "Content-type: text/html~%~%")
Then put in some more FORMAT lines to
create some text in the page. For example, to create a page with
just a heading, you could use
(format t "<html><body><h1>This
is my Lisp CGI script's")
(format t " output!</h1></body></html>~%")
From the Linux command line, type something
chmod +x mycgi.lsp
(or whatever your filename is, as long
as it ends with .lsp) to make the program executable. Try accessing
that script with your browser with a URL such as
How to process POST requests from the user.
The key here is to read a string from standard input and parse it to obtain
a collection of parameter-value pairs. These pairs are the info sent
by the browser. The example program shows how to do this. You
can run the
sample program and you can examine
the source code. It uses my package
of Lisp CGI and HTML routines
Another example is the
knock.lsp program, which you can try out
A version of the Knock-Knock program that uses cookies on
the browser is
knock-with-cookies.lsp. It seems to do the same thing
from the user's point of view, except that it maintains
session continuity by storing a session identification string
on the client computer in the form of a browser cookie.
How to use a "session" parameter in a form to help
maintain a continuous session over a series of HTTP interactions.
The web-shrink.lsp program illustrates how this is done.
When the user first accesses the program via the URL, there is no
form data coming in, and so the program does not find any session
parameter. So it makes up a unique session identifier, creates
a session file on the server, and prompts the user with an
HTML form for the first textual input from the user. When the
user submits this form, the session identifier, represented
as the value of a hidden parameter in the form, is passed back
to the server to identify what session this input is coming from.
The Lisp program on the server then uses the session identifier
to access the corresponding session file and reconstruct the state
of the dialog at the end of the previous interaction.
One advantage of this scheme is that any number of users can be
having independent "simultaneous" conversations with the Lisp CGI program.
Also, this scheme does not rely on "cookies" on the browser, like
the next method does.
How to set a cookie on the user's browser.
This will allow the next POST or GET to let the server know who the info
is coming from, without relying on the value of a hidden parameter
in a form. (See the knock-with-cookies.lsp example program).
How to read a cookie on the user's browser.
Once we have set the cookie, we need to read it in subsequent requests
from the browser. (See the same example program).
How to create a session file.
The way to maintain session continuity from one user request to the next
is to keep a file on the server for each session in progress. The
name of the file should be based on the user's unique information, so that
it doesn't get mixed up with session files of other users.
The web-cgi package provides a function (create-session) that
will create a session file with a unique file name and return
that name. (See either the web-shrink.lsp or the knock.lsp example program).
How to debug your script. "What
do I do when I get `Internal Server Error'?". One thing you can do is look
at the Web server's error messages. Here are today's error
messages with your username. If the internal server error
is of the type "Premature end of script headers", this could mean
any of several things: (a) Your Lisp program file
does not have execute permissions turned on, (b) The first line of
the file, which must contain an appropriately formatted path to
the gcl executable, may not be right, (c) Your program does not
print the "header" as the first output, or (d) there is some other
error that prevents the header from ever getting printed.
If you run a Linux system and want to get your own copy of GCL,
you can download it from
the GNU software site.
Each student should be aware that CGI script writing involves system
security risks. We all need to cooperate to see to it that we can
all have a successful learning experience and avoid security lapses.
Please read the WWW
Security FAQ to get familiar with basic security issues.
(C) Steven Tanimoto, 2001