Quiz 2 for CSE 415 will take place Wednesday, February 26, 2003,
and it will cover the following topics:
Binary relations
Reflexive, Symmetric, Antisymmetric, and Transitive properties
Partial Order
Isa hierarchies
Subset vs membership relations
Inheritance; class properties vs instance properties
Propositional logic
Well formed formulas
Proof by perfect induction
Modus ponens
Clause form
DeMorgan's Laws
Satisfiability, contradictions and tautologies
Predicate logic
Well-formed formulas
Expressing information in the predicate calculus
Domains, interpretations, and models
Satisfiability, including for quantified formulas
Clause form
Substitutions and substitution instances
Unifiers and most general unifiers
Predicate calculus resolution
Horn clauses
State space search
States and state spaces
Moves, operators, goals, solution paths
Depth first search
Breadth first search
Best-first search
Uniform-cost search
A* search
Be sure to bring a standard answer sheet ("Scantron form")
and some sharpened, number 2 pencils.
(as of Feb 24, 2003)