CSE 415: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
The University of Washington, Seattle, Winter 2003
Regular Meetings: MEB 248, MWF 2:30-3:20.
Instructor: Steve
Tanimoto (Tentative Office Hours: MW 3:30-4:20 in Sieg 314).
Teaching Assistants: William
(Office Hours:
Tue 12:00-1:00, in Sieg 226b;
Thu 4:30-5:30, in Sieg 226b)
Recent announcements:
12 March. Reminder: we meet in MGH 030 today for project
demonstrations. Everyone needs to take part in the process.
3 February. Prepare the dialog version of your conversational
agent by Wednesday. This means renaming your functions and
global variables so they start with the name of your agent
and have a hyphen separating the agent name from the original name.
Here's an
of this idea.
10 January. There will a special session at 4:30 on Wednesday, January 15
in the lab in Communications B-027 to practice working with Lisp.
We'll work with function definitions, list structure and anything else
that comes up.
8 January. The course mailing list has been created by the staff at the
Mathematical Sciences Computing Center.
To subscribe by e-mail, send mail addressed to
and put the single word, subscribe in the subject line.